Friday, January 25, 2008

Is It Possible To Consolidate Sallie Mae Loans

scoop ...

It seems that our hero of the Land of wines has been tracked down recently in the Province of Vicenza ... we have come to the office a few pictures of him lately ... it seems even in the company of the famous " Morosetti. We publish below some pictures ... advised that there may be unsuitable for a minor public (knowing the person) ... so please observe the absolute attention away from the eyes of people who may be disturbed ...

precisely here that our hero is preparing to go to her beloved ...

here he is seen celebrating after he ordered his Montecristi ocetta average Birracrua Vicenza

As we said we have come to the office also some photos portray his "beloved", we publish some of them:

The two "lovebirds" were also spotted in the company of Jade:

Now we do not recommend the view the next image to the faint hearted, and children who are particularly susceptible ... that photo was sent to us by a paparazzo Gambellara that we can not reveal the name. We are confident that this image will discuss ... but this blog is just that it contains the real and true facts about our hero recioto to you comments:

Ps: many may be of photomontages or other ... but we assure you that the people and the photos are real ... Everything 'was possible in response to some reports that we were given Wednesday' January 23 in a well-known local in Vicenza who use nicknames on affectionate share our "Morosetti.

In this regard we thank: Simon, George and the merry gang Atletico

Monday, January 21, 2008

Can You Take 2 Lorazepam

About the shameful events of recent days I have appreciated the synthesis and the clarity of this discourse of Peter Kerstich Blog Antonio Di Pietro, current (I fear for a moment) Minister of Infrastructure.

Commentary on the post: Interview with TG2 , posted by Peter Kerstich

Dear Minister Di Pietro, says well, you should run from the judge rather than attack it. Pity that in Italy the figure of the magistrate, after "Clean Hands" has been attacked and denigrated in any way when a politician was being investigated. The law is equal for all, at least in Italy, where the politicians want immunity and use the TV to break through the Italians by showing how poor victims. Mastella now never misses a chance, you see everywhere, like the Pope in St Peter's, people are bombarded by these rather because the news is under investigation, the true information! Friday saw the headlines Italian online: it seemed to go back to 1992.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Home Remedy To Detox Your Body From Thc

The most beautiful seas

The most beautiful seas
has not been crossed yet.

The most beautiful of our children
not grown up yet.

The most beautiful day of our
we have not seen yet.

And that
that I would tell you more beautiful
not tell you I have not said.

Poetry of Nazim Hikmet
Photo by Henri Cartier-Bresson


Monday, January 7, 2008

Whatdoesthe Original Bowie

The power of love ...

I know that many will wonder why this blog is not is more 'never been updated ... as the legendary hero of ethyl evenings are no longer' documented ... because his basketball performance are no longer 'proposed again ...

I felt compelled to intevenire the new year in its early days ... to make everyone involved in and aware of the strength that love ...

Well you '... our Junior Giader Frambarinz Giuggiolone also said he found love ... and the sterility of this blog it is a direct result! Voices basketball environment also say to have seen hand in hand through the streets of the historic center of Vicenza to dinner while wearing the sFORTUNELLA ...

Unfortunately I do not feel ready to add new posts and I even hope that his story will end ... I just hope that love will pervade a bit 'all understand that even our little drunk and had Gambellara scusatelo has a heart ... ... hope you come back too to cheer up our days with some anecdote or some photos prohibited teetotalers! Thanks anyway


affectionately Julius