Saturday, March 8, 2008

Optimist Sailboat Price


All in all, everything we do, why we do it?

Great confusion, ideas pinned (perhaps) on scraps of paper scattered on the ground by a gust of cold returned to knock on the window. This March marks the atmosphere of martial mingle of vital impulses.
Few people, few names, somewhere other than memories and a bit 'of hope to throw in the pot already boiling spring and never satisfied.

What have you done in the last ten years?


A pebble at a time to show slowly getting stronger, the route of a slope by tilting uncertain. Looking back makes me shudder, he almost laughed.

Among the dominant desires: to throw buckets of paint on a big white wall or black, short range, hot hands pressed / shaking hands, black tails, and any number of hair, sharp empathy, solace, creative lighting varied, up again in the air garden gnome ...()

There's something rotten in Denmark!