Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Gps Phone Emerald Cheats V3

The normal world that we hope will be born

I hope that Italy will finally become a normal country, a country which has abolished the duplicity . I am from the part of Cesare Zavattini who said: "With good morning, good morning I mean just .
A country where schools and hospitals to work: to enter the ward and see that there is the word" solvent ", ie those who pay and those who do not pay, it seems to me little good.
A country where trains and planes arriving on time, on-time because it's not a prerogative Fascist. With a normal policy, which (in addition to not acknowledge the intolerance and fear for the other) does not provide for the transformer: to see people who do not change either because it already has a layette gabbana where are all the jackets are in fashion at that moment is a show to be canceled. With a journalist who returns to eat the soles of shoes, led by powerful feeling that is curiosity, and the clear trends but always of good faith and attentive to the human side.
a normal country where you do not interpellino the TV stars for their opinion on any subject, from the loneliness of the man of breeding canaries. It 'a normal country where there is an emergency as in Naples or Sicily, where fear " brand" even the arteries (as I have said once the doctors who perform autopsies).
a normal country is a country where the only point of reference is not geography with its borders, but the law equal for everyone. "The Fall of the Roman " wrote unnecessarily Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli " was facilitated by cronyism and administrative chaos of laws and not by the orgy of Satyricon." But those who study history?
E 'a normal country that helps those in which the nature and politics have given less. A normal country where aid is not given to charity, thanks the collections for soccorrerechi is affected by the disasters, but are expected with the state budget, with appropriate entries.
a normal country is the one from which most young people do not emigrate because they can not find a better paid job with dignity. And 'that in which there is no room for the great agony of today, which is the appearance. Obsession: who does not enter in the show has the feeling of being excluded from life.
a normal country is the place where to stay afloat, to succeed, must no longer be part of the group, have the support of the corporation.
a normal country is one in which no child is deprived of food and care. I met Romania in the small living in the sewers, such as mice, to exploit the heating pipes.
A normal country, a Europe normal a normal world, is in cuii children end their days in a bed with sheets that smell of clean.

Unpublished Enzo Biagi, on Friday the Republic of number 1049 of April 25, 2008