Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Where Can I Watch Free Digital Playground Viedos

Thanks Australia! Adventure over for Borge.

For some 'do not write on the blog ... that is now a week in Italy are back .... for now is not so traumatic ... although I'm starting to rethink, with some 'melancholy, all the good times I spent in there ... the last month in the Australian land was a veritable avalanche of events, emotions, new friends, mileage ... it was definitely the month beautiful, more carefree and more intense ...
were the 5 most beautiful months of my life! I found really on the road to love, discovery, adventure, knowing new places and people, not the projects themselves, because inevitably in Australia, things are always changing ... and most times the better!
I met many people and many have a close friendship and I am sure, most of them we shall see in Italy or in Europe or around the world.
I'd like to greet and thank all the people I met during my trip but it is impossible ... there are too many and I forget someone ....
But a special thanks to my great traveling companion Botti concedetemelo!
A great friend, companion of celebrations and misfortunes (even though there have been) ... people did not believe we never had a fight in five months ... even once ... for a story about girls ... (mea culpa ...) anyway reconciled in a few minutes ...
The best travel companion around! :)
Thanks mate!
And allow me also to thank another fellow traveler ... Vinnie! 35 years and not hear! 12 thousand km without batting an eyelid! The desire to bring him back to Italy was great ... but the money too ...:( We hope that you find a worthy master who drives him around making him go ... maybe the rest of Australia that we have not visited!

Botti is still in Oz will be back in a month ... ... ... Vinnie sold after I heard it two days ago ... if you're having a great time in Byron Bay ... one of the most beautiful the world.

back to visit the blog soon ... I have lots of articles and photos to be included ...

This is a photo taken while on the road between Melbourne and Sydney two days ... unbelievable ... we were really a special team! from left to right, Alicia Matthias (top), I, Janine, and Vinnie Botti who put us up in five days and night!

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Friday, April 10, 2009

Black Wheels For Chevy Silverado

We are alive ... in fact very much alive!

Long time no update the blog ... but we're constantly moving from Melbourne to Sydney to Byron Bay where we are still! We are working as volunteers at Bluesfest ... an incredible event, one of the festivals' biggest in Australia! We work in merchandising and the VIP bar! What an experience!

day after tomorrow we shoot Ben Harper live!

See ya

Borge and Botti