Thursday, December 30, 2010

What Kind Of Wood Should I Use

Resolutions for the coming year

Days of indecipherable emotion

The usual purpose of parables:

Notes common misunderstanding,

The beginning of melodies secret.

to consume the pen until the evening

I remember the dawn prayer

And as always lost the bet,

remember I regret that it was the same

and that he has passed another year. This

dreams do not know.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Prom Dress Under 40.00

The end of bipolarity perfect

Er Monaghan is changing,
appears to me more round;
nun seems flatter
give weight der sin.
And where are the poles?
to ask for forgiveness for all
And I left
pe 'vedemmelo from
'I'm making Monno er jump
- quality I am told -.
hand sur fire put the nun,
me seems more like pasta,
that if the evening quarcuno says "enough"
the mantener can always preserved

and resubmit the morning in the form of omelette.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Discontinued Kathy Vanzeeland Luggage

July 23, 2010 - Halo Halo

After several months of inaction, Valsesia Events is back with its flagship event: The summer party tram. This time around Hawaii theme. 60 people dressed in floral, tropical fruit and music DjVaz were the ingredients of the feast.

Here are some photos and video of the evening

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How Much Does Hrt Cost For Men

Article in the Journal of Travel MKC!

Thanks to Marco, Marco and all the MKC crew for the article in the journal of the club! Who does not know yet the MKC (Kafer Beetle Club) is the largest club of beetles in Italy and this year celebrates 20 years in business!
Give us a look:

PS: kidding .... Laughing is a year that we're back ... ozone is again time to go ?!?!? :)