Sunday, October 21, 2007

Period Is About Due But I Feel Wet

Two-thirds (or what is missing)

Despite the cold bill, despite the excess pizzasalumicaffè the last ten days, R completes projects in an autumn autumn absentee. Suddenly everything was dark, in the mind, in the air. A new canvas by Pitt and many bright colors, no matter what. Well. "A frog jumped into a bucket" is what R did not understand, but that's okay, it is good to stay with a little 'haze in the eyes. All buffoneggiano, and do it well. Otherwise the world is reduced to cold, cold enough, in my mind and in the air. And often there are not battered pizzasalumicaffè to warm days and Sundays doing nothing. Everything seems to be divided into three parts.
R can no longer be explained, but perhaps a bit 'fails to understand ... and is already a third of the work.


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