Thursday, March 26, 2009

Is It Ok To Own A Raccoon Ireland


REQUIEM for Culture and the Performing Italian
Rome, March 30, Piazza Farnese 16 to 19.

In our Requiem for Italian culture and show the world participate in the theater and the cinema, music and dance, circus and street theater, literature, education and research.
solidarity and unity in claiming that in any other civilized country is normally defended the right to culture!

For the support of the Italian rulers culture is tantamount to an act of assistance, while the contribution state for the replacement of an appliance is considered a semi new economic incentive.

drastic cuts to culture are never the result of random choices and those who practice them well aware of the risk of having to govern a people caught.
A nation that reads and goes to the cinema and theater, listening to music, studying and doing research is a people that knows how to choose which part, that judges, who do not accept being reduced to a rabble of passive consumers.
E 'above all a people capable of defending, together with the culture, identity and democracy.
In civilized countries, whatever the color of the government and the extent of the economic crisis, no one would dream of sacrificing culture. Why, in civilized countries, culture is considered a priority, a good to defend and strengthen, on a par with health, with transport, roads and everything else.
History shows us that only undemocratic regimes fear and harm culture.

The world of culture and entertainment industry wants to avoid having to stand there and celebrate, after the Requiem for the Italian culture, including the Requiem of Liberty. Amen.


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