Sunday, November 25, 2007

Welcome Speeches For A Black Church

After a hard-fought match full of twists and reversals in the face, which saw the two teams battle it Borgo Venezia vs Atletico Salvador Riese and Basketball resolved in favor of Verona to 83-80, the number 4 of the Scala team has been unable to restrain his joy and it was blatantly obvious paparazzi attitudes euphoric, face, and this has been known until later, against his coach. ..

Now everyone will wonder why ... Why?
briefly summarize the game, Borgo Venezia was passed by a reassuring +20 abundant, the risk of losing the game at the last minute. All of this madness had to arbitration. In these situations come into play crucial glacial calm coach Zilio: technical for protesting with the referees, technical for protesting the table and subsequent expulsion from the playing field for the sum of technicians. This has led opponents to pull free at all made free of course. Even if the keeper had taken the poor coach, who was stationed on the front door ... in fact due to a troublesome draft reported by the public, who do not know how he had noticed, was kindly invited to close the door! Ahahahahahah!

Memo to coach: Because deportation is expecting a lavish cabaret with all sorts of goodies of course accompanied by an excellent sparkling wine.

Of note is the post game in a restaurant nearby. The undersigned has dabbled with it a first for risotto with radicchio and a second knuckle of pork with all the trimmings and any sensational, all flooded with white wine and brown! ;-)

Ah, I forgot ... the keeper after being threatened, not completely familiar with the exact words that they exchanged the two, he went back with his tail between his legs at his post. Ahahahahah! Coazch Great!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Packaging Of Dried Fruits

Cachi Graduated! Tullio

Yes my boys, the news that is circulating on the plateau seems to be true ... between euphoria and dismay of his fans the Cachi Paul ................. .................. graduated! The Latin lover's most famous feline Cesuna with a flick takes home a deserved title of nobility ... er study!
Even the enigmatic question of the examination scared me, in fact, while being clear that he did not know even what it was talking with a significant non-scialans other times he literally invented a resounding response, more accurate, worthy of the best climbers on the mirrors! ;-)
After the applause and compliments the general reading of the papyrus in front of the Palazzo del Bo 'was a must and between Rummy and the other in a freezing cold, good half-naked Paul has also slapped two draft vinazzo biancazzo great!
The buffet has since saved a manner of speaking to a staggering concern.
The rest is history ...

Compliementi Paul!

PS A new law in place for long, prohibits the consumption of alcohol away from living in or around the city as of alcoholics. And this law also punishes with fines such attitudes salty. Um ... if someone manages to find a bar around let us know as soon as possible ... thanks!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

1988 Turbo Coupe Forsale

Lessons journalism on the edge of the sad irony

On November 6 he left a great performer, observer and narrator of the Italian 900. Enzo Biagi. Faro upright in a country, alas, more and more dark ...

° The truth that matters, the great principles, in the end, remain
two or three: those who taught you your mother as a child.

° My generation was exciting to read the Divine Comedy with illustrations of Dore
. Now on the walls says "bye bye Ass down".
understands that it is a bit 'different?

° The newspapers would be anxious? But the Bible does not begin with perhaps a

° After two or three appearances in the video, any idiot is
interviewed, and says its also that of others.

° If Berlusconi had tits would also herald!

° "devolution," a word that seems invented by Celentano.

° The money always comes when you are not hungry anymore.

° The beauty of democracy is this: anyone can talk, but do not need to hear

thoughts and aphorisms of Enzo Biagi, by City of 06/11/2007.
Image: Logo of the program The fact Enzo Biagi, broadcast on Rai Uno 1995 to 2002.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Where To Buy Ear Gauges

Happy Birthday!

Auguriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Tullioooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Better known as
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, many
auguuuuuuuuuriiii Giullettoooooooooooooooooooooooo,
tantiiiiiiiiiii auuuuuuguuuuuuuriiiiiiiiiiiiiiii aaaaaaaa
Mamma Mia ... we have just reached the "quarter of a century"! You've become quite a little man now ... I still remember when you were high, so (imagine the usual gesture of the cock to anyone of you will certainly happen) ... Ahahahahah! Auguroniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
and pull up those braghesse ... pissiooooooooo!

I leave you with this picture ... emblem reached the quarter-century ... ahahahahah!

PS If I can find a bit 'of the materials is a small photo book ... ;-)

Hard Scally Patches On Skin

Chronicles Sunday Roman

last night, not knowing that the clashes were still ongoing in the area north of Rome (area well known for her popular at school and they are often still with friends), I thought to go by car to Ponte Milvio back from the center where I had been in the afternoon. At about twenty, in front of the stage where I thought I would see all flooded with parked cars for the game (as always happens when they play at home to Roma and Lazio), I find the desert. Then, along the Tiber in front of Ponte Duca d'Aosta, barricades in the streets, cobblestones and stones "Breccola" of any sort, or smoking bins overturned, broken bottle ... I have to do a real slalom. I turn on the radio and feel the direct description of the place where I am: surreal experience. I continue to Ponte Milvio thinking that the worst is over, but I'm beginning to see people running like mad to me, we've just had a charge of police in front of the bar where I often go for a drink with friends. Fortunately, not this Sunday. Check in front of the bridge and the view I propose to carabinieripoliziaguardiadifinanzavigiliurbani trucks, smoke (tear gas?), People face uncovered and not throwing all sorts of objects (stones, chairs of the bar, uprooted road signs) at the military deployed to seal riot at the kiosk cocomeraro the center of the square. Some idiot in the car slows or even stops to watch the scene blocking traffic and I want to take away from there as soon as possible to continue the course towards France. The morbidity of the people knows no fear. While I was afraid that something from the sky, hit me, too (not the Lord, for goodness sake), my thoughts went to Luciano, the "picturesque" owner of one of the bars in the area, known for his ways not just British, knowing by the news coming from the radio near the bar that some genius had set fire to a car, I imagined to come out of his little bar with the water pump in his hand only to take justice! Like the time used it to warn young Poles a bit 'tipsy who were sitting at the tables that he was closing ...
What impression do see things so terrifying in places so familiar to me. In places where I spent most of my youth. And that "squeezes", for a moment ...
listening to the radio could not believe it was a real outbreak of civil war. Uncivilized.
The football stadium, the death of a young man (he was a visiting fans and completely random in my opinion) are only pretexts for espimere a position of unprecedented violence.
Helpless, we are witnessing increasingly depressing and unacceptable events, caused by ignorance of many poor and bad faith of the powerful few. The only cure for deep, reliable and effective is the culture, like it or not. Continue to hit the rim can not avoid forever the barrel falls apart.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Easton Sv12 Fastpitch Softball Reviews

Words Fall

Long silence. The time is marked by a background noise of washing machine in operation and the incessant ticking of a clock hanging from some who knows where. R if they have not capacity, and it takes a few seconds to realize that it is not the sound of the hands of a clock but the proverbial drop that falls from the faucet in the kitchen sink. Donald not slept for much less!

Just jump out of the night to get away from the air around a distinct taste of autumn.

There is also wind. Slaps a plastic bag caught in the railing of the balcony of the house of F. The indescribable feeling of emptiness to make, or lose, crowded the mind of R looking for inspiration, a bold sign on the sidewalk that suggests new coordinates. There are no dunes to the horizon, all the same. The most interesting things these days have not been detained on a piece of paper, and I ran away. Maybe it was a voluntary choice, albeit unconscious. Famous personalities SYMBOL OF FREEDOM 'IS NOT REPLACEABLE PERDONSI sadly. Wow! It did not, R and many others could not believe it, almost.

L is here, was and will be elsewhere. But the question is perhaps the largest and convoluted. What happens in "muscoletto bicameral" in the chest of R? Houston called Apollo. How long does it take to rethink, revise, change his mind, have some trace of shine in his members ...? Embrace. Forte.


A season will ungrammatical and claustrophobic to swallow our heroes, it rosicchierà zest then slowly chilled to suck the sweet juice in the melancholy that runs the inner organs. Gourmet park this fall of emotions, poor advice, fearful in their choices. From now on we must choose the right tiles to rest your feet, always enjoying every step, day after day after day ...

Autumn is in the mind, not in the leaves.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Cool Bubble Happy B Day Letters

Novello inaugurato...

And today was also inaugurated Novello (whose sale was legal already Tuesday, November 6).

And what better way than with chestnuts wagon??

... here's the two stars of our evening ...

... and after following step by step the delicate phases of the firing of beloved Caldarrosta ...

... we are inevitably passed to the stage that has coninvolto ruthless devouring anything edible is in the neighborhood ...

... as always there have been also used to shady characters ...

... but do be very careful not to make you NEVER EVER cheat doi their sweet eyes and make them apparent angelic ...

... with joy even mention the presence of a newcomer that we hope will be fun (every rifermiemento the picture is purely coincidental

... ... ...


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Pain In Side Shooting Up To Neck

Maroni e Novello?

Bar Italy comeback to the rescue with a new initiative to bring together young and old under his wing in an evening of music and fun!
arrives in fact the "Great Maronada" with result of hectoliters of wine Novello !
For those interested, leave a copy of the brochure (issued today with the usual care and passion capital that has already begun to receive numerous requests for employment in firms specializing in design-depleted-alcohol).

PS You notice I took a little inspiration from above?

Thursday, November 1, 2007

What Does An R On A Pokemon Card Mean

We love "Chupamarrous"

Well yes my boys, it is time to introduce Chupamarrous and his magical world! This is a lake in sutiuato Sovizzo places where you can enjoy the healthy sport fishing ... Healthy remains solely and only fishing for the rest I leave you with this cheerful vision

After an evening of Halloween past safely (not for all these however, you save myself and I will also stressed !!!), our happy group after a series of random calls and messages full of lies, which flattered his friend calls or messages in order to get it out, it is strangely gathered in a public place known local Italian bar! Hence the blasphemous proposal:

"Tosi ... nemo snack??"
Total support: 100% ... how strange! Ahahahahah!
And then on, starting at a time of arrival Chupamarrous ... and we immediately asked a question Vienda peremptory:

"White or brown ?!?!?!?!"
... and we all inevitably ...

"And the water excuse ????????" However
ready and sliced \u200b\u200boff with dishes of all types will ... ah ... was chosen dark generostità the master gave us a bottle of sparkling water (remained virtually intact ... mah .. . oddity, too)! After his
sotaceti various cuts and, on with the polenta and the grilled sausage and then go to the delicious cheeses and chestnuts! We ate really like boys! After a caffettino scioltino we went back to base!
Here we list our very fast successive stages: Italy Bar, Wine Bar, pub to the King of Flanders, a beer at the Rotunda (or Wheel, boh!) And back to Bar liberating Italy!

everything that happens in this very long day can be summed up with one significant and colorful expression

"Hello everyone! If bechemo!"

I hope to be increasingly ultile to list many places to eat, attaching pictures and moments where you may find yourself in case you decide to go into these structures enogastroniche!