Sunday, November 25, 2007

Welcome Speeches For A Black Church

After a hard-fought match full of twists and reversals in the face, which saw the two teams battle it Borgo Venezia vs Atletico Salvador Riese and Basketball resolved in favor of Verona to 83-80, the number 4 of the Scala team has been unable to restrain his joy and it was blatantly obvious paparazzi attitudes euphoric, face, and this has been known until later, against his coach. ..

Now everyone will wonder why ... Why?
briefly summarize the game, Borgo Venezia was passed by a reassuring +20 abundant, the risk of losing the game at the last minute. All of this madness had to arbitration. In these situations come into play crucial glacial calm coach Zilio: technical for protesting with the referees, technical for protesting the table and subsequent expulsion from the playing field for the sum of technicians. This has led opponents to pull free at all made free of course. Even if the keeper had taken the poor coach, who was stationed on the front door ... in fact due to a troublesome draft reported by the public, who do not know how he had noticed, was kindly invited to close the door! Ahahahahahah!

Memo to coach: Because deportation is expecting a lavish cabaret with all sorts of goodies of course accompanied by an excellent sparkling wine.

Of note is the post game in a restaurant nearby. The undersigned has dabbled with it a first for risotto with radicchio and a second knuckle of pork with all the trimmings and any sensational, all flooded with white wine and brown! ;-)

Ah, I forgot ... the keeper after being threatened, not completely familiar with the exact words that they exchanged the two, he went back with his tail between his legs at his post. Ahahahahah! Coazch Great!


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