Thursday, November 1, 2007

What Does An R On A Pokemon Card Mean

We love "Chupamarrous"

Well yes my boys, it is time to introduce Chupamarrous and his magical world! This is a lake in sutiuato Sovizzo places where you can enjoy the healthy sport fishing ... Healthy remains solely and only fishing for the rest I leave you with this cheerful vision

After an evening of Halloween past safely (not for all these however, you save myself and I will also stressed !!!), our happy group after a series of random calls and messages full of lies, which flattered his friend calls or messages in order to get it out, it is strangely gathered in a public place known local Italian bar! Hence the blasphemous proposal:

"Tosi ... nemo snack??"
Total support: 100% ... how strange! Ahahahahah!
And then on, starting at a time of arrival Chupamarrous ... and we immediately asked a question Vienda peremptory:

"White or brown ?!?!?!?!"
... and we all inevitably ...

"And the water excuse ????????" However
ready and sliced \u200b\u200boff with dishes of all types will ... ah ... was chosen dark generostità the master gave us a bottle of sparkling water (remained virtually intact ... mah .. . oddity, too)! After his
sotaceti various cuts and, on with the polenta and the grilled sausage and then go to the delicious cheeses and chestnuts! We ate really like boys! After a caffettino scioltino we went back to base!
Here we list our very fast successive stages: Italy Bar, Wine Bar, pub to the King of Flanders, a beer at the Rotunda (or Wheel, boh!) And back to Bar liberating Italy!

everything that happens in this very long day can be summed up with one significant and colorful expression

"Hello everyone! If bechemo!"

I hope to be increasingly ultile to list many places to eat, attaching pictures and moments where you may find yourself in case you decide to go into these structures enogastroniche!


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