Monday, November 12, 2007

Hard Scally Patches On Skin

Chronicles Sunday Roman

last night, not knowing that the clashes were still ongoing in the area north of Rome (area well known for her popular at school and they are often still with friends), I thought to go by car to Ponte Milvio back from the center where I had been in the afternoon. At about twenty, in front of the stage where I thought I would see all flooded with parked cars for the game (as always happens when they play at home to Roma and Lazio), I find the desert. Then, along the Tiber in front of Ponte Duca d'Aosta, barricades in the streets, cobblestones and stones "Breccola" of any sort, or smoking bins overturned, broken bottle ... I have to do a real slalom. I turn on the radio and feel the direct description of the place where I am: surreal experience. I continue to Ponte Milvio thinking that the worst is over, but I'm beginning to see people running like mad to me, we've just had a charge of police in front of the bar where I often go for a drink with friends. Fortunately, not this Sunday. Check in front of the bridge and the view I propose to carabinieripoliziaguardiadifinanzavigiliurbani trucks, smoke (tear gas?), People face uncovered and not throwing all sorts of objects (stones, chairs of the bar, uprooted road signs) at the military deployed to seal riot at the kiosk cocomeraro the center of the square. Some idiot in the car slows or even stops to watch the scene blocking traffic and I want to take away from there as soon as possible to continue the course towards France. The morbidity of the people knows no fear. While I was afraid that something from the sky, hit me, too (not the Lord, for goodness sake), my thoughts went to Luciano, the "picturesque" owner of one of the bars in the area, known for his ways not just British, knowing by the news coming from the radio near the bar that some genius had set fire to a car, I imagined to come out of his little bar with the water pump in his hand only to take justice! Like the time used it to warn young Poles a bit 'tipsy who were sitting at the tables that he was closing ...
What impression do see things so terrifying in places so familiar to me. In places where I spent most of my youth. And that "squeezes", for a moment ...
listening to the radio could not believe it was a real outbreak of civil war. Uncivilized.
The football stadium, the death of a young man (he was a visiting fans and completely random in my opinion) are only pretexts for espimere a position of unprecedented violence.
Helpless, we are witnessing increasingly depressing and unacceptable events, caused by ignorance of many poor and bad faith of the powerful few. The only cure for deep, reliable and effective is the culture, like it or not. Continue to hit the rim can not avoid forever the barrel falls apart.


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