Friday, January 9, 2009

Mustard Colored Mucus

Borge and Botti at Work!

Despite the strong euro and the Australian relatively low cost of living, the money is running out, so we ran for cover, find a job here in Sydney.
I know it's crazy, but here in Sydney we sleep in the van, despite the various bans on camping and parking charges have not found all the gabule for us to do fine! During the day parked in front of the hostel Great Aussie (where we use for showers, toilets, internet) and 300 meters and at night we go to a street where you can sleep without being fined!
We are considering the idea of \u200b\u200bfinding a garage to park and sleep in peace ... maybe we found it! Chapter
work: I (Borge) I found as a pizza delivery from Arthur's Pizza on Oxford St. to the Top 17 if there are pizza at home I sit on the kombi and early deliveries, otherwise go to the kitchen with the other driver to prepare ingredients for the pizzas. Mozzarella (which has nothing to do with ours), peppers, mushrooms, ham, onions ...
The first day I had gone despite Strabo presented with maps brutally torn from the yellow pages which are not shown in the pizza:). Fortunately, all deliveries were covered in maps!
Now with the street directory to find the hidden streets of Sydney!
The work is dynamic, I'm not a moment to stop and I like that!
The pay is not bad, depends primarily on tips from customers. The second day I pulled up a $ 20 tip!
There is no better way to raise awareness of the brand 'Volks'n'roll' if you do not run for 6 hours in traffic in Sydney! :)
Botti instead found work at the Bar in Italy Leichardt. Waiter, bartender, glass collector and ice cream ... even for him the pay is not bad, we were lucky enough!
Then if he wants, Botti will best describe his new job!
For now we'll be a bit 'here to pick up a good nest egg to reach Melbourne!
A short post Great article on the Aussie, the hostel where we spend our free time here in Sydney. In a hostel which is subject to absolute anarchy, and the courtyard (interior courtyard) is a place of perdition where we gather to eat, chat, surf the Internet and do the famous italian sundays (Sundays dedicated kitchen and goliardia Italian-style):)


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