Tuesday, February 5, 2008

An Essay On Perennialism Education


on Tuesday to BirraCrua very very fat! Known local Vicenza that has seen its food and wine and especially intellectual renaissance, with new management Zara-Kappa! The combination resulted in the high villages of Vicenza illustrious characters, such as business entrepreneurs, models, and researchers, as well as players and coaches of the more famous basketball teams! In the images that follow you will be offered a slide of the sophisticated clientele that frequents this local elite.

The anniversary is celebrated, as I think you understand, was the last carnival and BirraCrua had organized a nice evening-dress! Among those present I was dressed as a Junior, from Paul Zilio, by Simone Buffa, Martin Marcello and Marcello from Martina! They also reported, however, a group of indianine, a subspecies of the ghost (K), members of Clockwork Orange, a cripple, a nice suoretta (referred to below mmmmmmmmmm. .. we have a shot stolen) and a sensational dancer, we do not know very much and we could not recognize! If someone were to recognize the images do not hesitate to contattarami because I think I have stolen my heart!

The evening was articulated by the high content of DIALOGUE-intellectual cult and the usual buckets of beer! Usual? What I meant was that by tantooooo not seen so much beer! And not a beer but if you own: LITTLE CROSS HILL, or for the more ignorant the Montecrocetta that, with its smooth and delicate taste and its alcohol content low, accompanied us throughout the evening doing in the world that we penetrate in very deep bench in the discourses with which we kept!

it appropriate for an hour, good Marcello with great clarity, he allowed the audience and gave a display of his innate artistic talent pericolossimi sneaking in rich circus numbers of plot twists that have literally electrified the audience at the conclusion that the number has exploded in a roar of screams and applause! Grande Marco!

And put them to cook clu reached the point of this discussion! Yes, it will now try to uncover the elusive hidden identity of the dancer that is the prize for best mask of the evening! Here it is in all its beauty while plowing with theatrical grace the counter:

PS I just also note the presence of a new waiter, who has slipped through you do not know what twisted blackmail and trickery, between Personal BirraCrua! This is a character that maybe many of you know but I will not mention his name here, I just initials: AG to which that night, excited as ever, I had made my first order, his heart was beating really strong ! They were the chicken nuggets! Disappeared into thin air, has reappeared after a few hours with the croquettes! At that, note the dramatic error shown him, he said that the chicken was over! Ahahahahahahah! The problem has been solved in the best possible way with a little cross hill offer! Ahahahahahaha!


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