Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Rashes On The Eyebrow

Lesson 2: How to Jump Training ...

you feel tired and exhausted in order to sustain an entire workout, maybe that's midweek just after the athletic and do not know how to skip?
Do not worry, this is the right to go straight to class from the playground without arousing the slightest suspicion!

Um, I know that the second lesson already taught this kind of tricks might seem premature, but we must face the reality: the understanding of the coach in front of the usual justifications futile in their absence from training, is gradually failing more!
So I do not recommend that you use the same excuses, that many times I can also be embarrassing after a few dozen times, including fever, headache, sore throat and all the various ills and possible, gagotto lightning, accident others, my accident, last-minute drill, a mix of studio, late at work, travel abroad for work, evening work, replacement of the head in some kind of conference at 20.00 because it committed itself randomly ... maybe in some distant city, so even if I would not make it never to return, angry fog, snow storm, sand storm, tornado, locusts attack, airplane hijacking in which I was returning, taken hostage by the hour 12.00 for bank robbery, loss of all mobile phone numbers as well as possibly the phone, and so on and so forth!

I'm not saying that all these might be valid, even (perhaps some please avoid it)! But can be used, one or two of your choice, for the first two absences ... but then you need something more advanced moooooolto not to arouse the sleeping dog and that still does not bark ...
So here you are the pearl of the pearls on:

Well you my dear, I really felt right: the technique is to start training, warming up in agility, stretching in peace and then continue with the usual routine of exercises across the board! But here is here that the greatest happiness, when you feel like that is the best time after an hour of training, TEEEEEEKKKKKK! What succedde?

"Oh no, let's hope it's nothing serious ..." think all your friends, including coach, unaware of your diabolical plan ... and you will be clearly on the ground simulating a resounding cramp in the calf (or any other body part, I still recommend the calf given the frequency with which it occurs !) As evidenced by the pictures, while in the throes of excruciating pain, you will immediantamente relief from the entire team! There will in fact:

  • imboccherà with those who will quench your thirst and salt to rehydrate the muscle contract,
  • genorosamente who will hand you your sweatshirt at mo 'cushion to allow for a position more comfortable on the floor (of course also be fed better)
  • who with his brute force but try to relax and get you checked the calf (NB you will have to be understood that the cramp is real, then you have to tackle the job healing of the latter by the movement opposed to his)
  • who will try to give you the best advice to pass as soon as your pain that torments him too,
  • who at the end of your agony on the ground via hand you a hand and help you get up so as not to be back to square one again and having to sweat seven shirts to try to ririlassare a calf rimarmificato,
  • who will be filming all from real donkey and, among other things later,

while the rest of the team will assist you morally and verbally, urging them not to give up and hold on to that soon it's all over! It may also happen that your coach apprehensive about your condition, is to care lovingly, trying to keep the leg and the knee stops or simply clutching his hand tightly, looking at me with his sweet eyes!

Guys, if this happens ... your mission can be considered finished!

As a conclusion, then you can say that you have always been subject to conditions such and in this way you are automatically insured the option to skip a workout again if you like (not too soon though, I recommend).

NB For more advice on how to make it even more realistic your cramp, do not hesitate to contact me! Will give you a number of "food and beverages to be taken, which will contribute to its sudden occurrence ... the estimated time of 5 days of the order!

PS Any reference to previous posts and only reason!


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