Saturday, February 16, 2008

How To Wear Saree For Petite

Deep Thought # 1

Dreams stars
in the mouths of fish
red finish

Yet it is not so difficult to understand. The problem is that children believe in the great speeches and a great time, she takes it in turn deceiving children. "Life has a meaning and adults to keep it" is the universal lie that everyone is forced to believe. As adults, when we realize that is not true, it is too late. The mystery remains, but all energy is gone by time wasted in stupid activities. You just have to try to anesthetize, hiding the fact we can not give meaning to our lives and deceiving our children to try to convince ourselves better.
My family attends all of whom have followed the same pattern: a youth spent trying to capitalize on their intelligence, like a lemon to squeeze their studies and to secure a position at the top, and then a whole life asking why such hopes are amazed resulted in a life so useless. People think of chasing the stars and ends as a goldfish in a bowl. I wonder if it would be easier to teach children right from the start that life is absurd. This would take away some happy moments to childhood, but would gain a quite a few 'adult time - not to mention that you would avoid at least one trauma, one of the ball.

Based on the novel The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery , publishing and / or


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