Friday, February 8, 2008

Hair Styles Short, Fine, Grey


er ... as a result of reports pervenutemi recently, something must be editing the rule, that with appropriate modifications becomes:


My final count was in fact stopped at 3 ... I still think they were 3 ... maybe ...
In fact, for those who want to go against this dogma, will now be listed the possible consequences that most likely will make them think! So I follow the order of events ...

After the second Long Island, perhaps you could:
  • not remember to be the world's first all
  • mon too drunk to remember to have the 4th,
  • not remember dancing like a idiot imitating the dances of others,
  • not remember having met a certain Renato and to be his was also nice,
  • do not remember having tried to buy the DJ with 50 € you why did 7 other Long Island,
  • not even remember not being able to write a web address (who knows which one) and, among other things you wrote so ... obscene,
  • not remember the amount paid in cash,
  • not remember every road traveled,
  • not remember all those fine speeches were made and especially those made for clearance to take you,
  • not remember having eaten a huge kebab,
  • think I paid for everything you and acknowledge a dear friend that he dodger money when in fact someone else had paid for everything,
  • impersonate an alien who is enjoying the night in Verona, sure of not being recognized, thanks to your perfect cadence London
  • not remember eating a croissant giant, and they were even scolded by briosharo for voice too high,
  • not remember having done their needs across the road where it was situated briosharo,
  • not remember having tried to invite anyone to your house to eat the salami,
  • taking sleep 1 millisecond after they got in the car and Essert magically awakened as if by magic, the first in a highway realizing how idiot you are, and then in your bed the next morning to the end by realizing that you're just a jerk, but especially


  • not remember to have been renamed, following a vision of an identity card with a cute nickname (not shown here but we want to avoid che il cerebroleso autore di questa serata venga riconosciuto) da un certo Galanda ed un certo Schulze!!!
Omaggio a Schulze - Tribute to Schulze:

After the second Long Island maybe:
  • you can't remeber that you are still on this world,
  • you can't remeber that you drunk also the 4th one,
  • you can't remeber that you danced like a stupid boy, imitating other dancer,
  • you can't remeber that you knew Renato,
  • you can't remeber that you tried to buy the Dj with 50€ to have another 7 Long Island,
  • you can't remeber that you wasn't able to write a simple web address,
  • you can't remeber how much you payed at the exit,
  • you can't remeber ever road crossed,
  • you can't remeber every speeches, in particular those to that joke of you,
  • you can't remeber that you ate a kebab,
  • you can think to have payed everything and accused your friend to have stolen your money,
  • you can think to be an English boy thanks to your perfect English,
  • you can't remeber that you ate an huge brioches,
  • you can't remeber that you done something on a wall along a road...,
  • you can't remeber that you tried to invite everybody at your home to eat pig,
  • you can sleep after 1 millisecond that you was in the car and wake up, before near your car thinking that you are a stupid, and then nel morning after sure that you are a stupid,

but, over all:

  • you can't remeber that you was renamed, after watching your identity card, with a nice nick (that we can't post here because the autor of this night don't want to be recognized), by someone named Galanda and someone named Schulze!!!

Thanks for the nice and pleasant evening coach Zilio, Buffino, Boscagin, Galand, Schulze, everyone had heard or bothered by having fun and especially the one known which by Friday night has a new nickname ... sensational as well as inspiration for this post ... SS ... that is "always been calm ..."!

;-) PS still unknown two shady characters that appear sull'estrama left, they only know that one of them the question: "Where are you from?" replied: "I'm from Verona !"... and the other at point-blank question:" Are you smoking?? "replied:" Nou! "despite the obvious cigarette in hand.

PPS Gek ... fear not ... salami with garlic coming!

PPPS I think ;-) someone here has no physical ... mmmmmmmmmmmm! Ahahahahah ;-)


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