Saturday, November 8, 2008

Free What Haircut Suits Me

From "Chinese bubble" to the horns. The bars of the Misunderstood Silvio

The gag on Rasmussen, Veronica and Cacciari. The Finns are outraged at the leaders 'seduced'

convinced that thanks to him that Italy is "the most friendly country in the world," Silvio Berlusconi has launched yesterday in one of the jokes that make people laugh a lot. And in the wake international diplomacy of the auction of two ministers as Umberto Bossi, Roberto Calderoli, who for years called the blacks 'bingo bongo' he hailed Barack Obama yesterday as one "that is also beautiful, young and tanned."

How to take it the next American president, which our Prime Minister had already offered to "advise" as used with the barbers' boy brush "is not known. Ever since he was little that feels like all the blacks jokes like: "chocolate" and "charcoal", "snowball" ... We had done the corn would not have reached the White House. Of course, if Knight wanted to "dramatize" the first comment of "his" Senate leader Maurizio Gasparri after the election ("Al Qaeda will be happy ') could not have chosen words more eccentric. Come to terms with the international context, it is likely that Obama will shrug: boh, Italian-style nonsense. To be taken so as representatives of the jokes on the vacuum cleaner camps, AIDS patients, the gays ... The important thing is not to take seriously those who said. Exactly what they have done in recent years, many major global players. Often displaced by the fate of a man who, according Giuliano Ferrara is "pop opera."

No one has ever been so pleased with himself, and so often "misunderstood" on the world stage. enough to remember when he told the European Parliament that would have brought a friend that ran a film about Nazi concentration camps to give Martin Schulz, the Socialist Party of kapo. Frost in the classroom. Discontinued after the surprise by screams of outrage. He said, "It was just a joke so you laughed the whole House. An observation of twenty seconds because I wanted to loosen the atmosphere ... The event was greatly inflated by the left. " In fact, he explained, "held the bank in Italy for decades jokes about the Holocaust. The Italians know jokes about tragedies to overcome ...». And then you still pissed more Jews. That difficult to be understood ... Did not understand when the EU foreign ministers at a meeting in Caceres gave the horns to a colleague during an official photo: "I wanted to make you laugh a nice group of young Boy Scout." Russian journalists did not understand the day, already burned by the number of journalists murdered in Moscow, were left stunned at the way you react to the question of a young reporter who had dared to ask Putin if he had an affair with a nice young lady: he pretended to wield a machine gun and give a hail. Denmark's Rasmussen did not understand when he explained that "the prime minister is also Europe's most beautiful ... I am thinking of introducing him to my wife, because it is very Cacciari's finest ... According to what you say around ... Poor woman. "

And then did not understand the Times reporter: "Halfway through the speech in Canada Chirac, Berlusconi stood up and began distributing watches to other leaders, with a delicious political defiance." Did not understand the Palestinians when he winked, "Arafat asked me to give him a TV for the Gaza Strip, will send the" Striscia la notizia "." And the reporter did not understand the Russian newspaper Kommersant during Putin and Berlusconi's visit to the establishment of Lipetsk Merloni: "The Italian prime minister was particularly active and it was clear that he had a goal: would not be happy if it had not been able to approach a group of workers. Then he turned to Putin: "I want to kiss the woman the best and most beautiful." He had already identified his victim. He approached a woman as big as the whole body with Sardinia and made a gesture typical of thugs in the dark hallways of the courts, when a girl who bother coming home. She hath been shunned in the past but Mr. Berlusconi must have experience with women, even faster than this: with two jumps he reached the girl and started kissing her shamelessly in the face. "

What's wrong? It is fanciful. But no: I do not understand. Like the time explained: "They accuse me of saying that the communists eat children: read the Black Book of Communism and you will discover that in Mao's China, the Communists did not eat children, but boiled them to fertilize the fields." He had never done! Immediate release of Chinese Foreign Ministry: "We are disappointed by these baseless claims. The words and actions of the Italian leaders should promote stability and development of friendly relations between China and Italy. " Ugh, it was a joke ... On food, then ... "Reshuffle? No thanks, I do not mind pasta ... Then, after the visit to Saudi Arabia, I only eat white rice ...». And it annoyed the Saudis. Ugh, how touchy ... The maximum gave the seat to the European food agency in Helsinki in danger of ending: "Parma is synonymous with good cuisine, while the Finns do not even know what prosciutto. How can we think to put this agency in a country that probably is very proud of reindeer or fish marinated Baltic with polenta? To lead the Agency in Parma I dusted off my playboy skills with Finnish President Tarja Halonen. And here is a diplomatic incident. With lots of protest and the official invitation of the Italian: How dare you? Immediate retaliation Finnish producers' associations, "Do not buy more Italian wines and oils." He said, "I made a joke of gallantry. There is a lack of sense of humor ...». After all it's international strategy. "Cazzeggiano strategy," we say. Mica understand them, certain reactions. He, when a vertex is the story that jumped out is if the dachshund mica is taken. He took off his shoe, put it on the table and showed it to all: "See? Not've got high heels. You paint me that way. "

Gian Antonio Stella


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