Sunday, November 9, 2008

Romantic Picnik Quotes

The kebabs day

about 13:15 pm, the guests begin to arrive ready to launch, without hiding a bit 'of emotion, in the banquet lucculiano he would have expected a little later! Each new arrival was
increasing the total count of beverage: moving from the excellent new wines to the most lethal barricaded for a complex task than a dozen drafts good sign! The small grids are already installed and operational, and their blasters are ready on the starting blocks, intent to burn more coals as possible! But still missing the protagonists of the day ... the kebabs! But beware ... the adrenaline up ... the eager eyes met ... a voice hails them ... and here they are to the point of fainting, finalmenti appear notorious kebabs ... known someone who observes them already foaming at the mouth, still unknown to someone else who looks on with admiration mystical! But is it really a spot on, no time to wake you from this mirage, the cooks are at work in the area, meticulous as ever! The blood is in their eyes, and everyone pulls out the most unexpected and amazing culinary techniques, to assume that all'arrosticino idyllic taste that only a select few have the opportunity to enjoy! There also were the secret ingredients, especially one in particular, which we have here a slide which has resulted Zilio good to win the scepter of "Best kebabs cooker" ... skewers so golden, soft, delicious and tasty if not had ever seen! Here is the content of the ingredient is still unknown to us:

And as our chefs turn out, also take off the challenge of the day everyone had previously said the number of skewers that have been able to mogul, who more because of the effects of meat regardless of the weather would bring, who less because they are still fearful of what might seem as inept in the eyes of a nice tidbit! And then the challenge begins ... the plates are filled and emptied at a rate not exciting, and who is quick to dry mouth often remains until the next out of the oven! And on the wings of enthusiasm, including a glass of good wine and the other, are starting to accumulate trophies to everyone ... the mythical giant toothpick carrying the kebabs and will be a key element in the final count! Here are some pictures of the highlights:

The dead on the table now begin to add up: empty plates everywhere, bottles lifeless, spikes collected and protected from theft by any means which could jeopardize the ultimate victory! But here at the climax, when no one expected more by now, Professor Zilio makes his entrance in the auditorium after hours of grueling cooking is the time of the report cards! Scoreboard decreed that whoever passed the test and kebabs will then reappear at the next comp. and who will be sadly postponed to next day kebabs, unless his performance has been so blatantly outrageous that it deserves a sound rejection from him!
And then here they are, written by himself, impeccably (also available by clicking the qu with comments):
As promised, after the meetings on Friday, here are the transcripts relating to the 'arrrosticino day ":
1) Giuliari: 30 states, get to 25 but with a master stroke, when the final count was about to be sent back, eat it and 2 on the plate for almost an hour with a zero time worthy of the best promoted by jj ... a 6 1 / 2 estimation (underpinned by the performance against Conegliano only a couple of hours later)
2) Puccetto: 30 states, get to 25 but to avoid being sent a copy of whole cloth the scene of his predecessor Julius and earns promotion with a skimpy enough
3) Hood: Back from coupling to New York-Miami says Ramadan, and a miserable 20 (quota threshold between man and woman) .. . we hardly get to eat one nearly almost frozen on the gong ... promoted reserve since his debut with a surprising trentello in July ... to retest
4) Crestani: strong debut of 35 states to 40 ... when the count reaches 35 x level playing field ... then he is granted the same opportunities and Giulio Pucci and he took advantage ... 6 skimpy well below its opportunity to retest him ... even
5 ) Alice: confirmation ... 20 states and reaches us in relax despite the less than perfect physical condition ... finish with a slice of tiramisu masterfully prepared by Carla ... vote 8 1 / 2 (considering that he has eaten as K)
6) JJ is a revelation to her ... declares onset unaware of the effects of 30 days after a bit ... 'hesitant at first, as its CHARACTERISTICS, party like a diesel engine and comes out in the long run ... when everyone is now ko he smells blood in the head to head with Elijah and surprises everyone with an incredible 38 ... 9 ... a vote there could be no better debut
7) Elisa: she declares onset 5 to 9 ends, and incredibly, led by the hand from his boyfriend ... 7 vote (the amount is quite small)
8) Bosch presents with his hand in plaster and a long idle motor reaches 22 ... enough to relax, then throws in the towel ... 7 Prediction and past performance (as Cook)
9) Henry: 20 states and reaches' goal without any trouble voting ... 6
10) Luca Barban: 30 states and expert in the field reaches the predetermined amount ... also as a cook deserves a special appreciation ... vote 7 1 / 2 (half a point for everything that has been drinking)
11) Alex Acuna: supplier of kebabs (huge and very good), 30 states, a good start with the first taste, you lose a bit 'in chat (although prepares bruschetta moving) ... in the frantic final is found at an altitude of 25 and with a final sprint Cipollini makes it worthy of the best belly in 5 others to avoid being sent back ... 7 vote (especially for bruschetta).
12), the undersigned: 25 declares a peaceful space to give to others ... after a delayed start thumb, under continuous attack from Zara, ready to lead in any situation to sponsor other chefs ... a bit after a first batch ' burned, out of the masterpieces approved unanimously by those present (incredibly well by the "partisan" Zara) ... I got to 33 in voting ... relax ... x 7 for those eaten cooked let others decide ...
13) Claudius deserves a 9 because she gives me a big hand (turns out most of the kebabs level that earned him the title of "chef Journal of kebabs) and because it takes a wine stratospheric
14) Carla: his tiramisu is always a guarantee and she deserves a 9
15) Ilaria: boldly declares 15 but, perhaps influenced by the proximity (too much) of its "cavalier" Zara, do not even reach the double figures, earning a shortage that will force him to repair next time ... 5 1 / 2 of encouragement
16) Zara ... and painful ... we are the notes with his usual state sbruffonaggine 50 + relax ... unfortunately think that an open shame to eat, in addition to not fill the glasses of others (but only his own) and give commands to the end ... Luke recognizes the goodness of my kebabs but the meter is stuck at 30 (even of glasses I know) ... so very far from its goal, despite a despicable attempt to steal other people's ... painful sticks his final statement ... "I have not got to 50 because I was afraid that others will not have to eat "... for the record I have advanced a score over 50 to be cooked and cooked ... vote 3 (maybe next time if you invite Nigel Steppney who steals other we can get to 50) ...
Greetings to all ... thanks for this beautiful day and we update for the next "skewers day" ...

I think they just said it all! We conclude with some pictures and considerations:

This was the pasta that we see a lot have gone like hot cakes.

Here we see a fly with careless arrogance and thrown into the wine of good Bosca conceded deserve the consequences ... paralysis!

launch a riddle, the winner will be entitled to participate in the kebabs next day: Who is this character that despite the injuries right limb has learned to skillfully use the left, in view of the event, for not be disadvantaged nell'abbuffamento general?

then Mr. Crestani be noted that after a performance with a capital P, at the time of tiramisu (excellent tiramisu for which we thank wholeheartedly Mrs. Carla) showed ... an obvious difficulty when reaching the extreme of trying to pouring out half a slice that was left to his beloved, but he politely refused, leaving the poor Elijah in the worst situation: not being able to finish a cake! ! Sweets that feeds habitually!
Good Framarin instead pulverizes all stealing even half a slice of his beloved! :-)

Finally, we are still wondering how he did a good Giuliari after a meal of this size to go to relax even winning his match! Fairly reliable sources, however, told us that the victory came through the power acquired by the same anesthetic on that day ... the production of domestic gas given by lethal mix of kebabs and barricaded, with their subsequent deportation, led the field in the presence of a cloud and fiery to say the least soporific that you have a good game for the win!

Grande absent: Simone Buffa, lost somewhere in Asia. Finally

can not fail to thank all those who have participated and have worked for the success of this beautiful day spent in pleasure in a peaceful atmosphere of friendship and fun! :-)


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