Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Reason Behind Volleyball Spandex

A quiet morning in Piazza Navona

something disturbing is happening in this period, beyond the controversy relating to specific topics (in this case the "Gelmini decree"), the behavior of institutions and government in particular is really concern, and smells of a story that has already served this country but perhaps too often forgotten.
few days ago ...
''I like to give a notice to mariners, very simple: we will not allow to be occupied schools and universities'. Because 'the occupation of public places and not' a demonstration application of freedom ', not' a matter of democracy and 'violence against other students, to families, to the institutions in respect state. Convene today 'the interior minister and I will give' him detailed instructions on how to intervene with the police so that this could happen''

Silvio Berlusconi
Press Conference 22/10/2008

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'Maroni should do what I did when I was Minister of the Interior. First, let go of high school students, why do you think about what would happen if a boy remained killed or seriously injured ... Let them (the university, ed.) Police forces withdraw from the streets and universities, infiltrate the movement with provoking agents ready for anything, and leave it for ten days or so demonstrators devastate shops, set fire to the machines and put fire to the city. After that, the strong popular support, the sound of ambulance sirens must be higher than that of the car police and Carabinieri. In the sense that the police should not have pity and send them all to hospital. Do not stop, so that then the judges would call them now at liberty, but also those teachers beat them and beat them stir. Especially the teachers. I'm not saying the elderly, of course, but the teachers so girls ... This recipe is democratic: turn off the flame before the fire were blazing '.

Francesco Cossiga
Interview on National Newspaper of 10.23.2008

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A truck loaded with iron bars and in Piazza Navona was chaos
The anger of a teacher: those agents beat and silent
He looked like a quiet morning in the center of Rome. Nothing to do with the seventies. Shops open, groups of tourists, the market of Campo dei Fiori, full of people. Of course, there was a student demonstration to block traffic. 'But we are accustomed to going on two weeks' sighs an alert. At 11 you can hear the screams in a few minutes a wave of kids running away from Piazza Navona invade the stalls in Campo dei Fiori. They are small, fourteen years at the most frightened, red-faced. Before the Senate started the first charge of students of the right. Are arrived with a truck loaded with iron bars and sticks, mysteriously ignored by cordons of police. They put the head of the parade, Waving belts and sticks around. Surrounding a boy of thirteen or fourteen, and fill him with blows. The police, within walking distance, not moving. I'm sixty, have helmets and ski masks, big sticks and long, often handles of picks, covered with black adhesive and wrapped in tricolor. They scream 'Duce, Duce'. 'The school is cleaned up'. They claim to be students of the Students' Block, a small right-wing movement. They have between twenty and thirty years, but one that has the air of being the boss is on a forty, with a baseball cap. They are well organized by a paramilitary group, attacking in waves. Another charge affects a group of high school students of Virgil, De Chirico's art school and the University of Roma Tre. A young boy from a technical institute, Alessandro, was hit in the head, falls and throw kicks. 'Enough, enough, let's go to the police!' say the professors.
I follow the squad that goes before the Senate and met the Chief Executive. 'You can not sit still while they beat my students!' protest a lady with white hair. A student raises his voice: 'And tell that protects them, you want the fighting!'. The officer yells, 'Learn as education, child!'. The teacher insisted: 'Do your job, stop the violence'. The official response: 'But those are the ones that do violence to the left'. There is an uprising of the squad: 'Left? With swastikas? '. The white-haired professor exhibits a large crucifix around his neck, 'I'm Catholic. Been teaching for 32 years and I never saw an action of violence by my students. There are people with the bars that beat defenseless children. What does it matter if they are right or left? It is a crime and you must take action '. The official meanwhile has spotted a video camera and his notebook: 'I never said those are left'. Monica, a student of Rome: 'But they just heard it all! Who thinks he is, Berlusconi? '. 'You see how they respond?' Laura tells me, of Economics. 'They want to pass the same equation mob of students left'. The teacher called Rosa Raciti, teaches high school art De Chirico, and fear: 'I feel responsible. I did not want to come, then the students have asked me to accompany them. Come on, I said jokingly that you do not even know where the Senate. Seemed a good thing, finally talking about serious problems. Many had never been in an event, it seemed a civil baptism. Other than civil! It was a merry procession, peaceful, until I got those with helmets and sticks. Under the eyes of the police. One thing to induce vomiting. You have to write it. Although, I tell the truth, if I had not seen, but only read in the paper, there would never have believed '. At a quarter to twelve other start screaming before the Senate. Francesco Cossiga is coming. 'He is happy, eh?' yells in his face an aging professor. On Monday, the president emeritus gave the line, in an interview with National Newspaper: 'Maroni should do what I did when I was Minister of the Interior (...) infiltrated the movement with agents ready for anything, and let for ten days the demonstrators devastate the city. After that, the strong popular support, the sound of ambulance sirens must be higher than that of the police cars. Law enforcement should massacre the demonstrators without pity and send them all to hospital. Beaten, everyone, including teachers who incite them. Maybe not the elderly, but the teachers girls yes'. It's almost noon, a dozen helmets blacks remains isolated from others, in the clashes. To meet the comrades undertaking an unusual, leaves the side of Piazza Navona, sticks in hand through the police cordon, undisturbed, and returned to square away from Agonale. I decide to follow them but I was stopped by a policeman. 'Where do you go?'. I realize to be devoid of bar, then suspicious. While checking the journalist card, I note that I have just gone in the wind. The beat cop is memorable: 'We have not noticed'. Part of a group of officials from the signal. A police officer says at one another: 'Coming those pieces of shit communists!'. The other replies: 'Then you go to the streets to protect us?'. 'Yes, but not now'. Skip Vice Quaestor: 'A few rumors, the visors down!'. Calanus visors and wait. Five minutes. Five minutes in which case the pandemonium in the streets. A group of four left, a mixture of students and people of the wisdom of the social centers, Piazza Navona bursts in and goes against the handful of Block Student, concentrated in the bottom of the square. In the path take the chairs and tables outside the bar, lowering the gate, and hurl them against those on the right. Only then, after five minutes of beating, and five minutes of fighting are not few, overlooks the police. It cordon around sixty Block Student, rejects the onslaught of leftist students. At the end of fifteen stops neo-fascists, who were taking the kids to throw a bolt. A group of students approaching the police to ask why the strange behavior. They have their arms raised, they have neither helmets nor bottles. The first student, Stephen, a Wave of Political Science, is hit with a truncheon blows to the neck (eventually in the hospital) and the peaceful protest retracts. At noon and half on the battlefield were two boys with his head in his hands stained with blood, smashed chairs, coffee table and cripple a large wooden Pinocchio without a leg, taken from the window a toy store and used as a weapon. Duccio, a physics student I met in employment, tense wanders in search of her younger brother. 'I know it's over, now it's over. And if not today, tomorrow. Would you like to organize peaceful protests, to let ideas come, the lessons in the streets, torchlight processions, sit in on the flower children. Do you want to reject the political exploitation, to want to think about concrete things. From tonight the news programs will be discussed only accident, day after day will, however, the idea that students want the casino. This method Cossiga. They're screwing up '.

Curzio Maltese
www.repubblica.it of 10/30/2008


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