Saturday, November 29, 2008

What Kind Of Panty Hos Should I Get For Veins

Palma's Party

Here we are telling time of the event, sponsored by any means of communication ... the guest list is impressive, about 500 are in fact the starting blocks ready to lead the dance, came from virtually all over the Veneto and not by any means: machine , taxi, bus, helicopter ... Ready
away then, is part ... all invited to the Big Party Palma's fresh ... fresh out of college with his 12 other colleagues have fueled the stock of alcoholic evening ... not really negligible. Even if the arrival is not the best under a deluge not indifference among puddles and mud traps everywhere, at the entrance to Villa Radis one can not be dragged into an overwhelming festive atmosphere!
With two benches installed within the drinks there and comes in four quattrotto the drink of the evening: the "FUEL VODKA"! (Any reference to gasoline is purely causal). Atmosphere with soft lighting (practically not seen na mina), electronic music at full volume and the presence of well-known characters do the rest el the game and done! Dancing, laughing, joking, talking, Sparla, sways, stumbles yes no yes spring, we imbalba, n'altro bit 'hip turns away and so on and so forth, and all thanks the legendary, amazing, fabulous, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious .......................................... ...." petrol vodka!

A big thanks to the good that this time Salma has done really done!
:-) Thanks also to all his colleagues, new graduates for the beautiful night!

Ah, of course a special thanks to the vodka ......................" fuel "the new drink of 2009! Yeah! :-D

PS All the photos on my Facebook page!

Toh goes there ... add this clip remix of the previous


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