Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Rephresh White Chunky Discharge

To all of you, my heart, I can only wish ...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Personalized Jordan Almonds


video from the site 03/12/2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

Benefit To Drinking Cocnut Milk


(67) 06.20.1931

This is a day which weighs on me, as an input in prison, the monotony of it all. But the monotony of everything is nothing but the monotony of myself. Each face also the same as we saw yesterday, today is another, because today is not yesterday. Every day is the day it is and there never was a more equal the world. The identity is only in our soul (the identity with itself felt, even if false), through which all look alike and can be simplified. The world is sharp and distinct things loose, but if we are shortsighted, it is still insufficient and a fog.

My desire is to flee. Escape from what I know, get away from what is mine, get away from what I love. I would like to leave: not impossible to India or to the larger islands south of it all, but to any place, or village shrine, which possesses the virtue of not being here. I never want to see these faces, these days, and these habits. I'll rest, as a stranger, from my organic simulation. I feel the sleep that comes as life and not as a rest. A hut by the sea, even a cave on the rough side of a mountain, I can give it. Unfortunately, not only my will I can give.


from The Book of of Fernando Pessoa, ed. Feltrinelli

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hijab Scarves For Women

Lesson 3: How to Jump Game: Learn the art e. .. Big

... put it aside of course! And that is what apparently made good Simone Buffa! Apparently a frequent visitor of my blog has learned the tricks of the trade to which, already some time ago, I decided to share. Yes, remember the post much acclaimed "Lesson 2: How to Jump Training ..."?!?!?!?! The good Simon, after months and months of mental and physical preparation, he decided to practice what they learned even surpassing his master, but not limited to mere training, transforming it into "Lesson 3: How to Jump Game ..."!!! Our hero was in fact simulated a dramatic accident during the last game, that after having scored the first points, he saw the main output from the field with sudden pain and obvious concern for his safety by all! After the first medical attention the ice has been his constant companion for the rest of the game. As a good observer and critic I now want to show you the care that has meant that none of what has sospettatto:
  • prior to the accident Simone had scored his first points and was preparing to make the other;
  • has called immediately obvious signs of change by not more than I can do;
  • came out limping noticeably;
  • during the brief visit to the doctor simulated pain and told this as if it were true (evidently had previously documented the symptoms when he then went to simulate);
  • has always held the ice
  • has kept its limp after the game.
Mission accomplished! Grandissimoooooooo Simo! :-D

PS I would encourage all readers to compare the date of this post with that of the previous post ... on holiday in Palma the next day you say? Yeah yeah ... the very next day ... mmmmm ... sounds like the rule applied to perfection! :-)

PSS Seriously ... Best wishes for a speedy recovery Simo.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

What Kind Of Panty Hos Should I Get For Veins

Palma's Party

Here we are telling time of the event, sponsored by any means of communication ... the guest list is impressive, about 500 are in fact the starting blocks ready to lead the dance, came from virtually all over the Veneto and not by any means: machine , taxi, bus, helicopter ... Ready
away then, is part ... all invited to the Big Party Palma's fresh ... fresh out of college with his 12 other colleagues have fueled the stock of alcoholic evening ... not really negligible. Even if the arrival is not the best under a deluge not indifference among puddles and mud traps everywhere, at the entrance to Villa Radis one can not be dragged into an overwhelming festive atmosphere!
With two benches installed within the drinks there and comes in four quattrotto the drink of the evening: the "FUEL VODKA"! (Any reference to gasoline is purely causal). Atmosphere with soft lighting (practically not seen na mina), electronic music at full volume and the presence of well-known characters do the rest el the game and done! Dancing, laughing, joking, talking, Sparla, sways, stumbles yes no yes spring, we imbalba, n'altro bit 'hip turns away and so on and so forth, and all thanks the legendary, amazing, fabulous, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious .......................................... ...." petrol vodka!

A big thanks to the good that this time Salma has done really done!
:-) Thanks also to all his colleagues, new graduates for the beautiful night!

Ah, of course a special thanks to the vodka ......................" fuel "the new drink of 2009! Yeah! :-D

PS All the photos on my Facebook page!

Toh goes there ... add this clip remix of the previous

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Romantic Picnik Quotes

The kebabs day

about 13:15 pm, the guests begin to arrive ready to launch, without hiding a bit 'of emotion, in the banquet lucculiano he would have expected a little later! Each new arrival was
increasing the total count of beverage: moving from the excellent new wines to the most lethal barricaded for a complex task than a dozen drafts good sign! The small grids are already installed and operational, and their blasters are ready on the starting blocks, intent to burn more coals as possible! But still missing the protagonists of the day ... the kebabs! But beware ... the adrenaline up ... the eager eyes met ... a voice hails them ... and here they are to the point of fainting, finalmenti appear notorious kebabs ... known someone who observes them already foaming at the mouth, still unknown to someone else who looks on with admiration mystical! But is it really a spot on, no time to wake you from this mirage, the cooks are at work in the area, meticulous as ever! The blood is in their eyes, and everyone pulls out the most unexpected and amazing culinary techniques, to assume that all'arrosticino idyllic taste that only a select few have the opportunity to enjoy! There also were the secret ingredients, especially one in particular, which we have here a slide which has resulted Zilio good to win the scepter of "Best kebabs cooker" ... skewers so golden, soft, delicious and tasty if not had ever seen! Here is the content of the ingredient is still unknown to us:

And as our chefs turn out, also take off the challenge of the day everyone had previously said the number of skewers that have been able to mogul, who more because of the effects of meat regardless of the weather would bring, who less because they are still fearful of what might seem as inept in the eyes of a nice tidbit! And then the challenge begins ... the plates are filled and emptied at a rate not exciting, and who is quick to dry mouth often remains until the next out of the oven! And on the wings of enthusiasm, including a glass of good wine and the other, are starting to accumulate trophies to everyone ... the mythical giant toothpick carrying the kebabs and will be a key element in the final count! Here are some pictures of the highlights:

The dead on the table now begin to add up: empty plates everywhere, bottles lifeless, spikes collected and protected from theft by any means which could jeopardize the ultimate victory! But here at the climax, when no one expected more by now, Professor Zilio makes his entrance in the auditorium after hours of grueling cooking is the time of the report cards! Scoreboard decreed that whoever passed the test and kebabs will then reappear at the next comp. and who will be sadly postponed to next day kebabs, unless his performance has been so blatantly outrageous that it deserves a sound rejection from him!
And then here they are, written by himself, impeccably (also available by clicking the qu with comments):
As promised, after the meetings on Friday, here are the transcripts relating to the 'arrrosticino day ":
1) Giuliari: 30 states, get to 25 but with a master stroke, when the final count was about to be sent back, eat it and 2 on the plate for almost an hour with a zero time worthy of the best promoted by jj ... a 6 1 / 2 estimation (underpinned by the performance against Conegliano only a couple of hours later)
2) Puccetto: 30 states, get to 25 but to avoid being sent a copy of whole cloth the scene of his predecessor Julius and earns promotion with a skimpy enough
3) Hood: Back from coupling to New York-Miami says Ramadan, and a miserable 20 (quota threshold between man and woman) .. . we hardly get to eat one nearly almost frozen on the gong ... promoted reserve since his debut with a surprising trentello in July ... to retest
4) Crestani: strong debut of 35 states to 40 ... when the count reaches 35 x level playing field ... then he is granted the same opportunities and Giulio Pucci and he took advantage ... 6 skimpy well below its opportunity to retest him ... even
5 ) Alice: confirmation ... 20 states and reaches us in relax despite the less than perfect physical condition ... finish with a slice of tiramisu masterfully prepared by Carla ... vote 8 1 / 2 (considering that he has eaten as K)
6) JJ is a revelation to her ... declares onset unaware of the effects of 30 days after a bit ... 'hesitant at first, as its CHARACTERISTICS, party like a diesel engine and comes out in the long run ... when everyone is now ko he smells blood in the head to head with Elijah and surprises everyone with an incredible 38 ... 9 ... a vote there could be no better debut
7) Elisa: she declares onset 5 to 9 ends, and incredibly, led by the hand from his boyfriend ... 7 vote (the amount is quite small)
8) Bosch presents with his hand in plaster and a long idle motor reaches 22 ... enough to relax, then throws in the towel ... 7 Prediction and past performance (as Cook)
9) Henry: 20 states and reaches' goal without any trouble voting ... 6
10) Luca Barban: 30 states and expert in the field reaches the predetermined amount ... also as a cook deserves a special appreciation ... vote 7 1 / 2 (half a point for everything that has been drinking)
11) Alex Acuna: supplier of kebabs (huge and very good), 30 states, a good start with the first taste, you lose a bit 'in chat (although prepares bruschetta moving) ... in the frantic final is found at an altitude of 25 and with a final sprint Cipollini makes it worthy of the best belly in 5 others to avoid being sent back ... 7 vote (especially for bruschetta).
12), the undersigned: 25 declares a peaceful space to give to others ... after a delayed start thumb, under continuous attack from Zara, ready to lead in any situation to sponsor other chefs ... a bit after a first batch ' burned, out of the masterpieces approved unanimously by those present (incredibly well by the "partisan" Zara) ... I got to 33 in voting ... relax ... x 7 for those eaten cooked let others decide ...
13) Claudius deserves a 9 because she gives me a big hand (turns out most of the kebabs level that earned him the title of "chef Journal of kebabs) and because it takes a wine stratospheric
14) Carla: his tiramisu is always a guarantee and she deserves a 9
15) Ilaria: boldly declares 15 but, perhaps influenced by the proximity (too much) of its "cavalier" Zara, do not even reach the double figures, earning a shortage that will force him to repair next time ... 5 1 / 2 of encouragement
16) Zara ... and painful ... we are the notes with his usual state sbruffonaggine 50 + relax ... unfortunately think that an open shame to eat, in addition to not fill the glasses of others (but only his own) and give commands to the end ... Luke recognizes the goodness of my kebabs but the meter is stuck at 30 (even of glasses I know) ... so very far from its goal, despite a despicable attempt to steal other people's ... painful sticks his final statement ... "I have not got to 50 because I was afraid that others will not have to eat "... for the record I have advanced a score over 50 to be cooked and cooked ... vote 3 (maybe next time if you invite Nigel Steppney who steals other we can get to 50) ...
Greetings to all ... thanks for this beautiful day and we update for the next "skewers day" ...

I think they just said it all! We conclude with some pictures and considerations:

This was the pasta that we see a lot have gone like hot cakes.

Here we see a fly with careless arrogance and thrown into the wine of good Bosca conceded deserve the consequences ... paralysis!

launch a riddle, the winner will be entitled to participate in the kebabs next day: Who is this character that despite the injuries right limb has learned to skillfully use the left, in view of the event, for not be disadvantaged nell'abbuffamento general?

then Mr. Crestani be noted that after a performance with a capital P, at the time of tiramisu (excellent tiramisu for which we thank wholeheartedly Mrs. Carla) showed ... an obvious difficulty when reaching the extreme of trying to pouring out half a slice that was left to his beloved, but he politely refused, leaving the poor Elijah in the worst situation: not being able to finish a cake! ! Sweets that feeds habitually!
Good Framarin instead pulverizes all stealing even half a slice of his beloved! :-)

Finally, we are still wondering how he did a good Giuliari after a meal of this size to go to relax even winning his match! Fairly reliable sources, however, told us that the victory came through the power acquired by the same anesthetic on that day ... the production of domestic gas given by lethal mix of kebabs and barricaded, with their subsequent deportation, led the field in the presence of a cloud and fiery to say the least soporific that you have a good game for the win!

Grande absent: Simone Buffa, lost somewhere in Asia. Finally

can not fail to thank all those who have participated and have worked for the success of this beautiful day spent in pleasure in a peaceful atmosphere of friendship and fun! :-)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Free What Haircut Suits Me

From "Chinese bubble" to the horns. The bars of the Misunderstood Silvio

The gag on Rasmussen, Veronica and Cacciari. The Finns are outraged at the leaders 'seduced'

convinced that thanks to him that Italy is "the most friendly country in the world," Silvio Berlusconi has launched yesterday in one of the jokes that make people laugh a lot. And in the wake international diplomacy of the auction of two ministers as Umberto Bossi, Roberto Calderoli, who for years called the blacks 'bingo bongo' he hailed Barack Obama yesterday as one "that is also beautiful, young and tanned."

How to take it the next American president, which our Prime Minister had already offered to "advise" as used with the barbers' boy brush "is not known. Ever since he was little that feels like all the blacks jokes like: "chocolate" and "charcoal", "snowball" ... We had done the corn would not have reached the White House. Of course, if Knight wanted to "dramatize" the first comment of "his" Senate leader Maurizio Gasparri after the election ("Al Qaeda will be happy ') could not have chosen words more eccentric. Come to terms with the international context, it is likely that Obama will shrug: boh, Italian-style nonsense. To be taken so as representatives of the jokes on the vacuum cleaner camps, AIDS patients, the gays ... The important thing is not to take seriously those who said. Exactly what they have done in recent years, many major global players. Often displaced by the fate of a man who, according Giuliano Ferrara is "pop opera."

No one has ever been so pleased with himself, and so often "misunderstood" on the world stage. enough to remember when he told the European Parliament that would have brought a friend that ran a film about Nazi concentration camps to give Martin Schulz, the Socialist Party of kapo. Frost in the classroom. Discontinued after the surprise by screams of outrage. He said, "It was just a joke so you laughed the whole House. An observation of twenty seconds because I wanted to loosen the atmosphere ... The event was greatly inflated by the left. " In fact, he explained, "held the bank in Italy for decades jokes about the Holocaust. The Italians know jokes about tragedies to overcome ...». And then you still pissed more Jews. That difficult to be understood ... Did not understand when the EU foreign ministers at a meeting in Caceres gave the horns to a colleague during an official photo: "I wanted to make you laugh a nice group of young Boy Scout." Russian journalists did not understand the day, already burned by the number of journalists murdered in Moscow, were left stunned at the way you react to the question of a young reporter who had dared to ask Putin if he had an affair with a nice young lady: he pretended to wield a machine gun and give a hail. Denmark's Rasmussen did not understand when he explained that "the prime minister is also Europe's most beautiful ... I am thinking of introducing him to my wife, because it is very Cacciari's finest ... According to what you say around ... Poor woman. "

And then did not understand the Times reporter: "Halfway through the speech in Canada Chirac, Berlusconi stood up and began distributing watches to other leaders, with a delicious political defiance." Did not understand the Palestinians when he winked, "Arafat asked me to give him a TV for the Gaza Strip, will send the" Striscia la notizia "." And the reporter did not understand the Russian newspaper Kommersant during Putin and Berlusconi's visit to the establishment of Lipetsk Merloni: "The Italian prime minister was particularly active and it was clear that he had a goal: would not be happy if it had not been able to approach a group of workers. Then he turned to Putin: "I want to kiss the woman the best and most beautiful." He had already identified his victim. He approached a woman as big as the whole body with Sardinia and made a gesture typical of thugs in the dark hallways of the courts, when a girl who bother coming home. She hath been shunned in the past but Mr. Berlusconi must have experience with women, even faster than this: with two jumps he reached the girl and started kissing her shamelessly in the face. "

What's wrong? It is fanciful. But no: I do not understand. Like the time explained: "They accuse me of saying that the communists eat children: read the Black Book of Communism and you will discover that in Mao's China, the Communists did not eat children, but boiled them to fertilize the fields." He had never done! Immediate release of Chinese Foreign Ministry: "We are disappointed by these baseless claims. The words and actions of the Italian leaders should promote stability and development of friendly relations between China and Italy. " Ugh, it was a joke ... On food, then ... "Reshuffle? No thanks, I do not mind pasta ... Then, after the visit to Saudi Arabia, I only eat white rice ...». And it annoyed the Saudis. Ugh, how touchy ... The maximum gave the seat to the European food agency in Helsinki in danger of ending: "Parma is synonymous with good cuisine, while the Finns do not even know what prosciutto. How can we think to put this agency in a country that probably is very proud of reindeer or fish marinated Baltic with polenta? To lead the Agency in Parma I dusted off my playboy skills with Finnish President Tarja Halonen. And here is a diplomatic incident. With lots of protest and the official invitation of the Italian: How dare you? Immediate retaliation Finnish producers' associations, "Do not buy more Italian wines and oils." He said, "I made a joke of gallantry. There is a lack of sense of humor ...». After all it's international strategy. "Cazzeggiano strategy," we say. Mica understand them, certain reactions. He, when a vertex is the story that jumped out is if the dachshund mica is taken. He took off his shoe, put it on the table and showed it to all: "See? Not've got high heels. You paint me that way. "

Gian Antonio Stella

Friday, November 7, 2008

Catching Scabies From A Friend

gospel truth

"My father has the strength, I have gone through the hard struggles of the Fifties and Sixties, by law Tambroni a scam, when priests and police decided if you could work or if you had to be an unemployed person. I grew up in the midst of the scandals, the massacres, coup attempts and the sounds of the late 'Sixties. Then I swallowed the terrorism, the real and the secret services. They forced me to have sympathy for Moro, who up to that pallotole did not seem much better than his friends. I passed in front of ministers and bankers handcuffed. I have seen from the third world for the Italian Red Cross truck loads of holes in condoms and sour milk. For quite a while 'time television forced me to have a guest house in the venerable Gelli, Calvi and the late lamented Dr. Dr. Shroud: all robbers. I breathed the polvericci of bankruptcies, and for half a century the smoke machines Agnelli. Today m'affaccio more to the window. And 'the era of drug addicts in this and maybe I'll end my life. [...] Be careful not to shoot crap. Do not forget too quickly that only a few years ago you went to shit in the yard and there lavavate with buckets of cold water. Do not forget that an abscess was enough to go to another world. Do not forget to eat bread and onions and you were doing the coffee with chicory. [...] But what Paradise! Try instead to think what this could be Italy without drugs, without the mafia, no corruption, that work with hospitals, schools that work, the railways running. Think of an Italy with Tiber clean, with clear sea, with all the green spaces that the speculation deleted wild and disfigured. Try to think what could be nice to Sicily without the horrors that have been built along the coast. And Rome, look, go here, just outside the walls: there is a siege tower blocks of foul that never ends, amid the dirt and under the specter of the deadly drug. "
Who could give wrong Osvaldo . Those were gospel truth, tangible, living under their eyes. The only thing left to do was to finish his drink and go to bed like every night.

The short story in the collection of socialist The hypocritical stories , Vincenzo Cerami, Oscar Mondadori, 1991

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Reason Behind Volleyball Spandex

A quiet morning in Piazza Navona

something disturbing is happening in this period, beyond the controversy relating to specific topics (in this case the "Gelmini decree"), the behavior of institutions and government in particular is really concern, and smells of a story that has already served this country but perhaps too often forgotten.
few days ago ...
''I like to give a notice to mariners, very simple: we will not allow to be occupied schools and universities'. Because 'the occupation of public places and not' a demonstration application of freedom ', not' a matter of democracy and 'violence against other students, to families, to the institutions in respect state. Convene today 'the interior minister and I will give' him detailed instructions on how to intervene with the police so that this could happen''

Silvio Berlusconi
Press Conference 22/10/2008

========================================= ==========================

'Maroni should do what I did when I was Minister of the Interior. First, let go of high school students, why do you think about what would happen if a boy remained killed or seriously injured ... Let them (the university, ed.) Police forces withdraw from the streets and universities, infiltrate the movement with provoking agents ready for anything, and leave it for ten days or so demonstrators devastate shops, set fire to the machines and put fire to the city. After that, the strong popular support, the sound of ambulance sirens must be higher than that of the car police and Carabinieri. In the sense that the police should not have pity and send them all to hospital. Do not stop, so that then the judges would call them now at liberty, but also those teachers beat them and beat them stir. Especially the teachers. I'm not saying the elderly, of course, but the teachers so girls ... This recipe is democratic: turn off the flame before the fire were blazing '.

Francesco Cossiga
Interview on National Newspaper of 10.23.2008

============================ ======================================

A truck loaded with iron bars and in Piazza Navona was chaos
The anger of a teacher: those agents beat and silent
He looked like a quiet morning in the center of Rome. Nothing to do with the seventies. Shops open, groups of tourists, the market of Campo dei Fiori, full of people. Of course, there was a student demonstration to block traffic. 'But we are accustomed to going on two weeks' sighs an alert. At 11 you can hear the screams in a few minutes a wave of kids running away from Piazza Navona invade the stalls in Campo dei Fiori. They are small, fourteen years at the most frightened, red-faced. Before the Senate started the first charge of students of the right. Are arrived with a truck loaded with iron bars and sticks, mysteriously ignored by cordons of police. They put the head of the parade, Waving belts and sticks around. Surrounding a boy of thirteen or fourteen, and fill him with blows. The police, within walking distance, not moving. I'm sixty, have helmets and ski masks, big sticks and long, often handles of picks, covered with black adhesive and wrapped in tricolor. They scream 'Duce, Duce'. 'The school is cleaned up'. They claim to be students of the Students' Block, a small right-wing movement. They have between twenty and thirty years, but one that has the air of being the boss is on a forty, with a baseball cap. They are well organized by a paramilitary group, attacking in waves. Another charge affects a group of high school students of Virgil, De Chirico's art school and the University of Roma Tre. A young boy from a technical institute, Alessandro, was hit in the head, falls and throw kicks. 'Enough, enough, let's go to the police!' say the professors.
I follow the squad that goes before the Senate and met the Chief Executive. 'You can not sit still while they beat my students!' protest a lady with white hair. A student raises his voice: 'And tell that protects them, you want the fighting!'. The officer yells, 'Learn as education, child!'. The teacher insisted: 'Do your job, stop the violence'. The official response: 'But those are the ones that do violence to the left'. There is an uprising of the squad: 'Left? With swastikas? '. The white-haired professor exhibits a large crucifix around his neck, 'I'm Catholic. Been teaching for 32 years and I never saw an action of violence by my students. There are people with the bars that beat defenseless children. What does it matter if they are right or left? It is a crime and you must take action '. The official meanwhile has spotted a video camera and his notebook: 'I never said those are left'. Monica, a student of Rome: 'But they just heard it all! Who thinks he is, Berlusconi? '. 'You see how they respond?' Laura tells me, of Economics. 'They want to pass the same equation mob of students left'. The teacher called Rosa Raciti, teaches high school art De Chirico, and fear: 'I feel responsible. I did not want to come, then the students have asked me to accompany them. Come on, I said jokingly that you do not even know where the Senate. Seemed a good thing, finally talking about serious problems. Many had never been in an event, it seemed a civil baptism. Other than civil! It was a merry procession, peaceful, until I got those with helmets and sticks. Under the eyes of the police. One thing to induce vomiting. You have to write it. Although, I tell the truth, if I had not seen, but only read in the paper, there would never have believed '. At a quarter to twelve other start screaming before the Senate. Francesco Cossiga is coming. 'He is happy, eh?' yells in his face an aging professor. On Monday, the president emeritus gave the line, in an interview with National Newspaper: 'Maroni should do what I did when I was Minister of the Interior (...) infiltrated the movement with agents ready for anything, and let for ten days the demonstrators devastate the city. After that, the strong popular support, the sound of ambulance sirens must be higher than that of the police cars. Law enforcement should massacre the demonstrators without pity and send them all to hospital. Beaten, everyone, including teachers who incite them. Maybe not the elderly, but the teachers girls yes'. It's almost noon, a dozen helmets blacks remains isolated from others, in the clashes. To meet the comrades undertaking an unusual, leaves the side of Piazza Navona, sticks in hand through the police cordon, undisturbed, and returned to square away from Agonale. I decide to follow them but I was stopped by a policeman. 'Where do you go?'. I realize to be devoid of bar, then suspicious. While checking the journalist card, I note that I have just gone in the wind. The beat cop is memorable: 'We have not noticed'. Part of a group of officials from the signal. A police officer says at one another: 'Coming those pieces of shit communists!'. The other replies: 'Then you go to the streets to protect us?'. 'Yes, but not now'. Skip Vice Quaestor: 'A few rumors, the visors down!'. Calanus visors and wait. Five minutes. Five minutes in which case the pandemonium in the streets. A group of four left, a mixture of students and people of the wisdom of the social centers, Piazza Navona bursts in and goes against the handful of Block Student, concentrated in the bottom of the square. In the path take the chairs and tables outside the bar, lowering the gate, and hurl them against those on the right. Only then, after five minutes of beating, and five minutes of fighting are not few, overlooks the police. It cordon around sixty Block Student, rejects the onslaught of leftist students. At the end of fifteen stops neo-fascists, who were taking the kids to throw a bolt. A group of students approaching the police to ask why the strange behavior. They have their arms raised, they have neither helmets nor bottles. The first student, Stephen, a Wave of Political Science, is hit with a truncheon blows to the neck (eventually in the hospital) and the peaceful protest retracts. At noon and half on the battlefield were two boys with his head in his hands stained with blood, smashed chairs, coffee table and cripple a large wooden Pinocchio without a leg, taken from the window a toy store and used as a weapon. Duccio, a physics student I met in employment, tense wanders in search of her younger brother. 'I know it's over, now it's over. And if not today, tomorrow. Would you like to organize peaceful protests, to let ideas come, the lessons in the streets, torchlight processions, sit in on the flower children. Do you want to reject the political exploitation, to want to think about concrete things. From tonight the news programs will be discussed only accident, day after day will, however, the idea that students want the casino. This method Cossiga. They're screwing up '.

Curzio Maltese of 10/30/2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Desmume Mac Wont Play Heart Gold

The government saves Geronzi, Tanzi and Cragnotti?! Sometimes

ROME - Another one? Yes, another. And for this time? But Cesare Geronzi, the chairman of Mediobanca in court because of the hindrances crac Parmalat and Cirio. The factory permanent laws ad personam, with the brand loyalty of the Berlusconi government, produces another, tucked into the folds of the law converting the Alitalia decree. Not if nobody notices, the opposition of course, when the Senate passed on October 2. Yet, as you write the magistrates in the mailing list, it is of an "atomic bomb" intended to blow up not only to repeat the old process for fraudulent bankruptcy, but to block future. With a simple, true and poorly written, Article 7a amending the Marzano law on bailouts of big business and that the bankruptcy law of 1942. The amendment says that to be prosecuted for a bad business management requires that the company is in bankruptcy. If it is headed by a commissioner, and perhaps it is also fine as in the case of Parmalat, no prosecution will put on trial those who caused the crisis. Up to now the state of insolvency was treated and controlled administration to fail in the future if the law were to pass as it left the Senate, will no longer be so. The bad manager, against which all thunder, will be saved if the firm will not definitively failed. Farewell to the processes Parmalat and Cirio. Tanzi and Cragnotti rescued. Safe-conduct for the former president of Capitalia Geronzi. Clean slate for minor scandals such as Giacomelli, the Eldo's Postalmarket. All thanks to Alitalia and the Ordinance of 28 August did it on purpose to avoid bankruptcy. Signed by Berlusconi, Tremonti, Scajola, Sacconi, Matteoli. Amended by the two speakers in the Senate, both of PDL, and Cicolani Pearson. Ready to be discussed and approved by the House on Tuesday that the opposition without a shot fly.

But then you notice a journalist. Milena Gabanelli is the author of the report, the transmission investigations of the Sunday night broadcast on RAI-3. Work on Alitalia, reconstructs ten months of negotiations, interview with Giovanna Boursier Commissioner Augusto Fantozzi, asked him if he managed to secure "full indemnification" safe passage to any judicial investigations. He says sure: "No, I have no indemnity." But that 7a shows the opposite. Report listens authoritative judges specializing in financial investigations. Like Joseph Cascini, secretary ANM pm and Roman cases Ricucci, Coppola, BNL. His opinion is no escape. Here it is: "If the rule is approved will not be prosecuted for crimes committed by all previous bankruptcy administrator for Alitalia, but even those made by other managers of companies for which there was the declaration of insolvency is not followed by failure. "Cascini cites cases:" For the Cirio and Parmalat's collapse was the declaration of insolvency, but without bankruptcy. The result is the removal of bankruptcy crimes committed by Tanzi, Cagnotti, from the perpetrators. "It is not enough." It should be pronounced sentence of acquittal because the fact is no longer required by law as an offense to all defendants, including representatives of banks. "We arrived in Geronzi. Gabanelli the calls in Cascina," But the rule also applies to him? ".'s answer was incisive:" Obviously yes. "s'allarmano The robes, fears circulate through the mailing-list. As in that of civil law, Civil-net, where Pasquale Liccardo writes: "I read the new Marzano. I await news on the new state of criminality that will impact not only on processes but also on the future in progress." No doubt the general scope of the standard. Certainly not the only concern for Alitalia, but all businesses. Let's look at this 7a so titled "Applicability of penal provisions of the bankruptcy law." States: "The declarations of insolvency will be equated with bankruptcy intervenes only where a conversion of the extraordinary administration in bankruptcy, current or complete, or in the event of proven forgery of documents used to base admission procedure. The writing is bad, but a clear goal: to date, managers of large firms came under bankruptcy process from the mere declaration of insolvency. However, if the switch 7a, the prosecution will suspended until a future, and quite uncertain, final failure. Commenting on the robes, "A moratorium indefinitely, a new clean slate, a coat of white paint on the responsibilities of great managers whose firms have been saved only by the public purse ". With a blatant absurdity, like Parmalat. will stop just because the commissioner Bondi avoid bankruptcy. But what saves it is constitutional Geronzi remains to be seen. The experts already see violated the principle of equality and that of reasonableness. The first because the rule determine a clear difference in treatment between the poor bastards who do not have access to Marzano, fail, and end up on trial, and the great directors. The second because the prosecution only depends on the ability of the Commissioner to manage the company in crisis. If the save, save also the former administrator, if that fails, part of the process. We'll see if Berlusconi will go on defying even the Consulta.

Liana Milella (from the Republic )

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Eau Claire Brazilian Waxing

back ...

"An anonymous text of Tradition says that during of its existence, every human being can take two types of attitudes: Construct or Piantare.I manufacturers can linger for years in their tasks, but there comes a day when ending their work. Then they stop and their space is limited by the walls erected. When construction is finished life loses significato.Poi there are those who plant: sometimes suffer from the storms and seasons, and rarely riposano.Ma as opposed to a building, the garden never stops developing. It requires the constant attention of the gardener, but at the same time, allows him to live a great avventura.I gardeners will always recognize each other, because in the history of each plant there the growth of the whole Earth. "

Adapted from Brida by Paulo Coelho

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Gps Phone Emerald Cheats V3

The normal world that we hope will be born

I hope that Italy will finally become a normal country, a country which has abolished the duplicity . I am from the part of Cesare Zavattini who said: "With good morning, good morning I mean just .
A country where schools and hospitals to work: to enter the ward and see that there is the word" solvent ", ie those who pay and those who do not pay, it seems to me little good.
A country where trains and planes arriving on time, on-time because it's not a prerogative Fascist. With a normal policy, which (in addition to not acknowledge the intolerance and fear for the other) does not provide for the transformer: to see people who do not change either because it already has a layette gabbana where are all the jackets are in fashion at that moment is a show to be canceled. With a journalist who returns to eat the soles of shoes, led by powerful feeling that is curiosity, and the clear trends but always of good faith and attentive to the human side.
a normal country where you do not interpellino the TV stars for their opinion on any subject, from the loneliness of the man of breeding canaries. It 'a normal country where there is an emergency as in Naples or Sicily, where fear " brand" even the arteries (as I have said once the doctors who perform autopsies).
a normal country is a country where the only point of reference is not geography with its borders, but the law equal for everyone. "The Fall of the Roman " wrote unnecessarily Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli " was facilitated by cronyism and administrative chaos of laws and not by the orgy of Satyricon." But those who study history?
E 'a normal country that helps those in which the nature and politics have given less. A normal country where aid is not given to charity, thanks the collections for soccorrerechi is affected by the disasters, but are expected with the state budget, with appropriate entries.
a normal country is the one from which most young people do not emigrate because they can not find a better paid job with dignity. And 'that in which there is no room for the great agony of today, which is the appearance. Obsession: who does not enter in the show has the feeling of being excluded from life.
a normal country is the place where to stay afloat, to succeed, must no longer be part of the group, have the support of the corporation.
a normal country is one in which no child is deprived of food and care. I met Romania in the small living in the sewers, such as mice, to exploit the heating pipes.
A normal country, a Europe normal a normal world, is in cuii children end their days in a bed with sheets that smell of clean.

Unpublished Enzo Biagi, on Friday the Republic of number 1049 of April 25, 2008

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Optimist Sailboat Price


All in all, everything we do, why we do it?

Great confusion, ideas pinned (perhaps) on scraps of paper scattered on the ground by a gust of cold returned to knock on the window. This March marks the atmosphere of martial mingle of vital impulses.
Few people, few names, somewhere other than memories and a bit 'of hope to throw in the pot already boiling spring and never satisfied.

What have you done in the last ten years?


A pebble at a time to show slowly getting stronger, the route of a slope by tilting uncertain. Looking back makes me shudder, he almost laughed.

Among the dominant desires: to throw buckets of paint on a big white wall or black, short range, hot hands pressed / shaking hands, black tails, and any number of hair, sharp empathy, solace, creative lighting varied, up again in the air garden gnome ...()

There's something rotten in Denmark!

Friday, February 29, 2008

How To Install Brick Coping In Pool

's official! The Rhyme of

... under construction ...

Friday, February 22, 2008

Should I Water My Foundation In Texas


... under construction ...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ejaculating During Wax

Birthaday Pastruz Happy!

It took the birthday of their good toPASTRO to revive the Thursday tradition of magic sweet, long and euphoric general destruction. And as always, the Bar does not fail to Italy to be the scene of these long-forgotten food and wine events, whom I had not seen so many elephants happy and carefree wandering among the tables, revered and pampered by everyone here!

Here are some nice moments of the evening:

slowly and inexorably on, the football did the rest! After deftly removed from the control of a group of amateurs, who had gone out to smoke, leaving a full set of balls, took control of our minds engaging in matches last reversed and brogues! The tension was sky for each match, because the participants knew what they were facing: in fact, local tradition has it that anyone who loses to 6-0, in addition to being mocked and insulted with the most colorful insults, must necessarily pass under the football between the songs sung for the special occasion for all the spectators (with the usual unknown obviously filming the whole)!
The evening ended with a 6-0 third well and nobody ... but nobody has been spared ... uh ... yeah ... yeah maybe for a possible comparative ink! Problems under the table to be incompatible with the belly its height ... ahahahahahah!
The celebrated and his teammate were the first to set a good example ...

... but were closely followed by an unknown envious that he did not want to be outdone ...

And after having overindulged as he could, he chased a high number of dangerous and wild elephants, you sweat seven shirts to carpiopalma challenges and for some also have exploring the remote area below the best of football ... what a good "coffee-milk ice to digest it all and combine the best sleep?? Well, all ovvimente prepared by two very experienced hands (but do not want to be recognized).

PS To tell the truth is right to point out that the return of the group of amateur football, he was soon made with the same set of balls available ... mmmmm ... maybe a two fewer ... ;-)

PPS Here is a little slide of our friends "elephant" ... here we can see one, after his capture in its last stages of agony ... :-)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

How To Wear Saree For Petite

Deep Thought # 1

Dreams stars
in the mouths of fish
red finish

Yet it is not so difficult to understand. The problem is that children believe in the great speeches and a great time, she takes it in turn deceiving children. "Life has a meaning and adults to keep it" is the universal lie that everyone is forced to believe. As adults, when we realize that is not true, it is too late. The mystery remains, but all energy is gone by time wasted in stupid activities. You just have to try to anesthetize, hiding the fact we can not give meaning to our lives and deceiving our children to try to convince ourselves better.
My family attends all of whom have followed the same pattern: a youth spent trying to capitalize on their intelligence, like a lemon to squeeze their studies and to secure a position at the top, and then a whole life asking why such hopes are amazed resulted in a life so useless. People think of chasing the stars and ends as a goldfish in a bowl. I wonder if it would be easier to teach children right from the start that life is absurd. This would take away some happy moments to childhood, but would gain a quite a few 'adult time - not to mention that you would avoid at least one trauma, one of the ball.

Based on the novel The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery , publishing and / or

Welbilt Abm4100t Parts

A real coach can appreciate also your mistakes!

Yes here now wants to bring a run up episode during the first poule match that saw the promotion Altletico meet the leaders of Rovigo.

In the early stages of the match, more or less at the end of the first quarter, the match report of the guard-wing shooter known as Framarin, still marked a skimpy 0 out of 3 from the arc of 6.25.
The coach decides to call a minute for a quick technical advice and to encourage the team to keep the intensity up to that point demonstrated in the field. Before the end of time-out is aimed explicitly at Framarin with the following words:
"Oh Ju quiet ... they were all good shots ... we were ..."
moment of suspension ... ...
"Ok, change to Ans ... Ju ..."
Framarin seems ... the babble something to look shocked, partly by raising his hand ...
"Ah .................... thank you ..."
witnessed the scene, the good Mozzu all'intrepido Albertini and nothing else to do but look in disbelief and then think that the best thing is to laugh like crazy wild look on poor Framarin who was already meditating revenge, of course, followed freewheel the rest of the team!
The coach did not detect any abnormality and was not suspicious of anything ... almost did not notice anything!

Thanks coach!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Rashes On The Eyebrow

Lesson 2: How to Jump Training ...

you feel tired and exhausted in order to sustain an entire workout, maybe that's midweek just after the athletic and do not know how to skip?
Do not worry, this is the right to go straight to class from the playground without arousing the slightest suspicion!

Um, I know that the second lesson already taught this kind of tricks might seem premature, but we must face the reality: the understanding of the coach in front of the usual justifications futile in their absence from training, is gradually failing more!
So I do not recommend that you use the same excuses, that many times I can also be embarrassing after a few dozen times, including fever, headache, sore throat and all the various ills and possible, gagotto lightning, accident others, my accident, last-minute drill, a mix of studio, late at work, travel abroad for work, evening work, replacement of the head in some kind of conference at 20.00 because it committed itself randomly ... maybe in some distant city, so even if I would not make it never to return, angry fog, snow storm, sand storm, tornado, locusts attack, airplane hijacking in which I was returning, taken hostage by the hour 12.00 for bank robbery, loss of all mobile phone numbers as well as possibly the phone, and so on and so forth!

I'm not saying that all these might be valid, even (perhaps some please avoid it)! But can be used, one or two of your choice, for the first two absences ... but then you need something more advanced moooooolto not to arouse the sleeping dog and that still does not bark ...
So here you are the pearl of the pearls on:

Well you my dear, I really felt right: the technique is to start training, warming up in agility, stretching in peace and then continue with the usual routine of exercises across the board! But here is here that the greatest happiness, when you feel like that is the best time after an hour of training, TEEEEEEKKKKKK! What succedde?

"Oh no, let's hope it's nothing serious ..." think all your friends, including coach, unaware of your diabolical plan ... and you will be clearly on the ground simulating a resounding cramp in the calf (or any other body part, I still recommend the calf given the frequency with which it occurs !) As evidenced by the pictures, while in the throes of excruciating pain, you will immediantamente relief from the entire team! There will in fact:

  • imboccherà with those who will quench your thirst and salt to rehydrate the muscle contract,
  • genorosamente who will hand you your sweatshirt at mo 'cushion to allow for a position more comfortable on the floor (of course also be fed better)
  • who with his brute force but try to relax and get you checked the calf (NB you will have to be understood that the cramp is real, then you have to tackle the job healing of the latter by the movement opposed to his)
  • who will try to give you the best advice to pass as soon as your pain that torments him too,
  • who at the end of your agony on the ground via hand you a hand and help you get up so as not to be back to square one again and having to sweat seven shirts to try to ririlassare a calf rimarmificato,
  • who will be filming all from real donkey and, among other things later,

while the rest of the team will assist you morally and verbally, urging them not to give up and hold on to that soon it's all over! It may also happen that your coach apprehensive about your condition, is to care lovingly, trying to keep the leg and the knee stops or simply clutching his hand tightly, looking at me with his sweet eyes!

Guys, if this happens ... your mission can be considered finished!

As a conclusion, then you can say that you have always been subject to conditions such and in this way you are automatically insured the option to skip a workout again if you like (not too soon though, I recommend).

NB For more advice on how to make it even more realistic your cramp, do not hesitate to contact me! Will give you a number of "food and beverages to be taken, which will contribute to its sudden occurrence ... the estimated time of 5 days of the order!

PS Any reference to previous posts and only reason!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Good Love Picnik Quotes

Lesson 1: What is a Quick Move? Long

Very well, it is now time to begin to give some advice to all new, but also for some time, for baskettari improve all the best in the field and outside (the outside also make reference to the rest of the blog)!

begin immediately with a movie that takes certain phases of the game, where you may notice a burning penetration nothing short of a note-wing guard Vicenza (all is played in slow motion to allow a better understanding of the dynamics of the various movements and the technique of the player), a cut on the bottom with subsequent incursion into the area and jump shot falling back slightly in your face defender always the same, and finally his no-look pass for a flight to mate perfectly free in that corner could only bag, thanks to the selflessness shown not to pull straight!

These three movements, their speed of execution, are therefore also more commonly called: QUICK MOVE!

To compensate for all this speed, other changes have been incorporated optimal feature but a bit 'slower, other members of the same team! In the final survey, as well as a "Faid-away" (???) perfectly executed by the number 10 Buffa, including the ringleaders of Jader good ... which is also reproduced in slow motion to fully enjoy all the shades!

everyone will wonder why the movie plays only a free throw by the number 8 Pedrollo ... I state: it is not a free throw awarded after a foul, and field goal! So where is over the second? It was blatantly wrong? Mah!

NB Please note ever at number 8, of a successful challenge by the guard-wing Vicenza electrocuted! Having smoked it without any doubt his direct opponent, he is entitled now to a lavish and delicious fish dinner ... just a shame that the whole is not finished with a dunk of the past, that would match the most tasty animals or less sguizzanti excellent Champagne!

Friday, February 8, 2008

What Colour Rug For Orange

The Rule of The Black Tuesday Grassissimo Ans

Yes ... after exhausting research by the best detective in the world and reported from almost every part of the globe, we managed to find the sister of John Anselmi had given us so much that nascosco.
Here we have an exclusive, in very exceptional cases some shots posted here in drafting a notorious paparazzo gambellarese, of which we do not want to name for privacy reasons.
Sorry advance for the quality a little 'bad image.

We can see in "Black Ans" the passion of his brother "White Ans" for basketball that led him to play at good levels ... in fact we think that past studies of White Ans have been fully supported by financial help of his brother, who wanted him to realize his dream he had since child ... meet Vieri and Del Piero to Cepu!

It seemed right then restore the innate talents of Black Ans, which allowed him to get so high and to help the dear brother. Here is a sketch of a pretty game Recently, he has seen Black Ans protagonist of a suffocating defense on the opposing team's striker (dowry apparently the two have in common) and a resounding break to play catch!

NB Confirmation of brotherhood between the two was given to us by wearing shoes that both: the legendary SOLDIER, which are thought to be an ancient family heirloom, handed down from generation to generation since the dawn of basketball!

Hair Styles Short, Fine, Grey


er ... as a result of reports pervenutemi recently, something must be editing the rule, that with appropriate modifications becomes:


My final count was in fact stopped at 3 ... I still think they were 3 ... maybe ...
In fact, for those who want to go against this dogma, will now be listed the possible consequences that most likely will make them think! So I follow the order of events ...

After the second Long Island, perhaps you could:
  • not remember to be the world's first all
  • mon too drunk to remember to have the 4th,
  • not remember dancing like a idiot imitating the dances of others,
  • not remember having met a certain Renato and to be his was also nice,
  • do not remember having tried to buy the DJ with 50 € you why did 7 other Long Island,
  • not even remember not being able to write a web address (who knows which one) and, among other things you wrote so ... obscene,
  • not remember the amount paid in cash,
  • not remember every road traveled,
  • not remember all those fine speeches were made and especially those made for clearance to take you,
  • not remember having eaten a huge kebab,
  • think I paid for everything you and acknowledge a dear friend that he dodger money when in fact someone else had paid for everything,
  • impersonate an alien who is enjoying the night in Verona, sure of not being recognized, thanks to your perfect cadence London
  • not remember eating a croissant giant, and they were even scolded by briosharo for voice too high,
  • not remember having done their needs across the road where it was situated briosharo,
  • not remember having tried to invite anyone to your house to eat the salami,
  • taking sleep 1 millisecond after they got in the car and Essert magically awakened as if by magic, the first in a highway realizing how idiot you are, and then in your bed the next morning to the end by realizing that you're just a jerk, but especially


  • not remember to have been renamed, following a vision of an identity card with a cute nickname (not shown here but we want to avoid che il cerebroleso autore di questa serata venga riconosciuto) da un certo Galanda ed un certo Schulze!!!
Omaggio a Schulze - Tribute to Schulze:

After the second Long Island maybe:
  • you can't remeber that you are still on this world,
  • you can't remeber that you drunk also the 4th one,
  • you can't remeber that you danced like a stupid boy, imitating other dancer,
  • you can't remeber that you knew Renato,
  • you can't remeber that you tried to buy the Dj with 50€ to have another 7 Long Island,
  • you can't remeber that you wasn't able to write a simple web address,
  • you can't remeber how much you payed at the exit,
  • you can't remeber ever road crossed,
  • you can't remeber every speeches, in particular those to that joke of you,
  • you can't remeber that you ate a kebab,
  • you can think to have payed everything and accused your friend to have stolen your money,
  • you can think to be an English boy thanks to your perfect English,
  • you can't remeber that you ate an huge brioches,
  • you can't remeber that you done something on a wall along a road...,
  • you can't remeber that you tried to invite everybody at your home to eat pig,
  • you can sleep after 1 millisecond that you was in the car and wake up, before near your car thinking that you are a stupid, and then nel morning after sure that you are a stupid,

but, over all:

  • you can't remeber that you was renamed, after watching your identity card, with a nice nick (that we can't post here because the autor of this night don't want to be recognized), by someone named Galanda and someone named Schulze!!!

Thanks for the nice and pleasant evening coach Zilio, Buffino, Boscagin, Galand, Schulze, everyone had heard or bothered by having fun and especially the one known which by Friday night has a new nickname ... sensational as well as inspiration for this post ... SS ... that is "always been calm ..."!

;-) PS still unknown two shady characters that appear sull'estrama left, they only know that one of them the question: "Where are you from?" replied: "I'm from Verona !"... and the other at point-blank question:" Are you smoking?? "replied:" Nou! "despite the obvious cigarette in hand.

PPS Gek ... fear not ... salami with garlic coming!

PPPS I think ;-) someone here has no physical ... mmmmmmmmmmmm! Ahahahahah ;-)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

An Essay On Perennialism Education


on Tuesday to BirraCrua very very fat! Known local Vicenza that has seen its food and wine and especially intellectual renaissance, with new management Zara-Kappa! The combination resulted in the high villages of Vicenza illustrious characters, such as business entrepreneurs, models, and researchers, as well as players and coaches of the more famous basketball teams! In the images that follow you will be offered a slide of the sophisticated clientele that frequents this local elite.

The anniversary is celebrated, as I think you understand, was the last carnival and BirraCrua had organized a nice evening-dress! Among those present I was dressed as a Junior, from Paul Zilio, by Simone Buffa, Martin Marcello and Marcello from Martina! They also reported, however, a group of indianine, a subspecies of the ghost (K), members of Clockwork Orange, a cripple, a nice suoretta (referred to below mmmmmmmmmm. .. we have a shot stolen) and a sensational dancer, we do not know very much and we could not recognize! If someone were to recognize the images do not hesitate to contattarami because I think I have stolen my heart!

The evening was articulated by the high content of DIALOGUE-intellectual cult and the usual buckets of beer! Usual? What I meant was that by tantooooo not seen so much beer! And not a beer but if you own: LITTLE CROSS HILL, or for the more ignorant the Montecrocetta that, with its smooth and delicate taste and its alcohol content low, accompanied us throughout the evening doing in the world that we penetrate in very deep bench in the discourses with which we kept!

it appropriate for an hour, good Marcello with great clarity, he allowed the audience and gave a display of his innate artistic talent pericolossimi sneaking in rich circus numbers of plot twists that have literally electrified the audience at the conclusion that the number has exploded in a roar of screams and applause! Grande Marco!

And put them to cook clu reached the point of this discussion! Yes, it will now try to uncover the elusive hidden identity of the dancer that is the prize for best mask of the evening! Here it is in all its beauty while plowing with theatrical grace the counter:

PS I just also note the presence of a new waiter, who has slipped through you do not know what twisted blackmail and trickery, between Personal BirraCrua! This is a character that maybe many of you know but I will not mention his name here, I just initials: AG to which that night, excited as ever, I had made my first order, his heart was beating really strong ! They were the chicken nuggets! Disappeared into thin air, has reappeared after a few hours with the croquettes! At that, note the dramatic error shown him, he said that the chicken was over! Ahahahahahahah! The problem has been solved in the best possible way with a little cross hill offer! Ahahahahahaha!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Commercial Rabbit Cages Design

Come to the theater!

Soulsilver Freezes On Emulator

Filipen Happy Birthday! Photo

What better way to conclude a successful first phase of the league if not celebrating ............................... ..... the BIRTHDAY OF FILIPINO ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Recurrence among other things, falls right in your Bean to coincide with the last game of the preliminary stage! I would say great!
And to make matters worse, increase the adrenaline and excitement for the pending general, one is made of half a extra time on the nice score of 66-66, which made us wait for a while 'the fateful post-match!

the final whistle, dispersion of the team and in the shower drain! Everyone seems to have disappeared! Oh God! But strangely miracle ... .. we all come together by Andrea ... known native fan Vicenza DOC, as well as a bar manager and former Atletico player.
Very well then, the guests begin to take a stand and literally imbudarsi of everything edible they could find around, everything still seems to be quiet ... oh, well ...
arrival of Floppino, general roar and screams of joy with a song Happy Birthday (sung dismally). Now our hero realizes that something does not go, he disappears for a moment to reappear with a myriad of pitchers of beer to quell a dryness of mouth is not indifferent. They could of course miss all kinds of snacks and sensational giant stuffed toast ... all obviously poleverizzato and brushed by those present.
not a number is not well known and pitchers arrive dried, seemed to have returned to Meas ... but what happens?? Fear rises Wire ... ... ... disappears ... general concern seems to never come to see it ... someone thinks near the bench! But here is here! It's coming back! All stared in disbelief ... gaping mouths everywhere! But yes ... it is really true and just had the certainty aware of what was to happen except for a merciful song:

's the end! Shortly thereafter, begins to get a flurry of pitchers of that magic and much vaunted trupudio substance between the general shouts of joy, tears of emotion (brain) and are generally missing. Obviously they are not certainly missed tournaments and challenges of "dry" even better known to insiders as "time zero" as soon as you have the official results will be distilled and to the overall prize winner will go on ... ... a coca havana!
Ehm ... of course all this has had consequences ... read more that it had them! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

... here we can see the good in Brugnara clearly intend to take a picture ... of course with the goal at hand ... Flash! Ahahahahahahaahahah ...

... but here is a good shot George suspiciously ... mah ...

... FIRST ............................. AFTER ...

In late evening the transformation is complete ... I'm the Hulk! 8 - \\

Here are some pictures of the beautiful evening:

Happy birthday again

Floppino nice!

PS wire ... excuse me if I know the kissing row! ;-)